Twin flames: New-Age Spiritualism Hoax or True Complex Kundalini Physio-Psychospiritual Transformation Between our 3D Matrix and GOD?

13 min readJul 13, 2023


The topic I never fathomed I would discuss openly in this lifetime has arrived.

Oh boy!

Before I begin, I want to state that I WAS a staunch ATHEIST who thought all things NEW AGE were a jokingly ridiculous hoax only weak people used as a crutch to deal with their lives. I would assume my earthly beliefs stemmed largely from being the child of a former Catholic alter boy turned Vietnam-era soldier and being told at 7 years old by a Catholic priest at Sunday school that my father was going to hell because he didn’t attend church after losing faith in GOD because he had to kill other humans being in a rice patty in Southeast Asia during the Tet offensive in 1968, but it could just be me? While losing faith in God and finding empathy for what my father had endured, I also further lost faith in 2018, when my wife passed away after a long battle with triple negative breast cancer.

Combine the stealing of my love with a short-sighted manipulative statement made by an ignorant man and you have a recipe that cooked up into a true “HATE FOR GOD.”

An UGLY and lengthy topic for another article. (I am sure).

So, due to my own uncomfortability on this topic in my daily reasoning, and the complex “WAR” that has raged since I have been forced to face my own spirituality and short-ended thinking on topics such as this, I have agreed to write a “helpful” article for Medium to shed some light on the popular and controversial topic of twin flames in 2023. I have sworn to NOT write this about my own journey. I refuse to join the masses in making “Disney” or “Netflix” esque persuasive documentation as best I can.

I have sworn to serve a higher purpose and pass on information that I feel if contained in one article may help others.

From a personal perspective (for those interested) I will merely say that in October 2020, I began something that has become very difficult to ignore (no matter how hard I have attempted to discredit the thinking) and while doing so, I have learned and seen so much material and mis-material that I felt that addressing this topic is warranted.

The only other personal statement I will make is simply:

I dedicate this essay to my wife who passed away from triple negative breast cancer in 2018 and the “someone” who “saved” my life in 2020. I have grown to understand terms like “soulmate” and “twin flame” and, because of both of you, I am a better person. Merely, due to the fact that you both exist, I grew up and learned so much.

If this writing does nothing else but help one person today, it is simply because you both became the light I needed at the time I needed it and you helped me find my way back to myself and God.

Whether soulmate, twin flame or just pure luck, I am eternally grateful to you both, the Universe, and I do hope that one day you will see what I see in you.

So, let’s start with the basics:

What Is a Twin Flame?

A twin flame is an incredibly intense soul connection. A more apt description of a twin flame is a “mirror soul” or a person’s “other half.”

According to expert spiritual teacher Todd Savvas: “A twin flame is your own soul, shared with what appears to be two physical beings. It’s one soul split into two bodies.” Digging a little deeper, Savvas once wrote of twin flames: “When a soul is created, it is split into two parts, mirrors of each other, constantly yearning to reconnect.”

When you meet your twin flame, there’s an immediate sense of recognition and intense attraction. In an instant, your bond is solidified, and all the pieces of your life just seem to come together.

Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame Love

Every new relationship brings its own set of intense emotions, sleepless nights, butterflies, and fireworks. Clarity and level-headedness are not frequent descriptors. So how do you know when you’ve met your twin flame? Needless to say that when your head is in the clouds, everything is so much more confusing. To help you make heads or tails of it, here are eight signs you’ve met your match. Instant Recognition and Intense Attraction When you meet your twin flame, there’s an immediate sense of recognition and intense attraction.

Instant Recognition and Intense Attraction

When you meet your twin flame, there’s an immediate sense of recognition and intense attraction. In an instant, your bond is solidified, and all the pieces of your life just seem to come together.


Twin flames often have a sense of synchronicity. As the relationship unfolds, the twin flames will find that they have a shared moral compass and matching interests. Moreover, twin flames often uncover plenty of “coincidences” and similar past experiences.

Intense Emotions

When you meet your twin flames, you will find that your emotions are amplified. Everything you feel — both good and bad — will feel notably stronger and even overwhelming.

Amplified Insecurities and Doubts

Just as your emotions are amplified, so are your insecurities, your fears, and your doubts. Remember that your twin flame is your mirror, and their purpose is to show you the things that are holding you back, like your fears and insecurities, so that you can work through them, grow, and come out stronger on the other side.

What is Twin Flame Telepathy?

An interesting phenomenon that comes with the twin flame journey and grows into an even more complex and debatable topic is the belief that there is an ongoing soul connection between twin flames that produces a thing called Twin Flame Telepathy.

So, what is Twin flame telepathy”? It’s actually all connected to how we develop as adults. Jane Loevinger, a 20th-century American psychologist, created a theory of ego development, wherein the idea is that we mature through stages, and some of us will get to transcendental levels of inner wisdom. At that stage, you have deep empathy for those around you and an appreciation that we are all connected through our essence. Some call this their soul or spirit or flame.

So, twin flame communication is when you’ve gone beyond being driven by thought processes and can connect to something far deeper. At this point, you relate to other souls in a way that’s beyond words and highly empathic. That’s when you feel a telepathic love connection.

I know, it freaks me out too!

Essentially, telepathic communication between soulmates also assumes that the soul or flame is eternal. After all, science reminds us daily that energy cannot be created or destroyed as per your soul.

If you are unfamiliar with the science, I suggest highly that you look up Quantum Entaglement.

Once you feel this in every fiber of your body, you want to do everything to grow and give as much compassion and love back to the universal whole. You can now also more easily recognize twin flames who have the same purpose and desire to contribute to the universe.

So, you might experience signs your twin flame is communicating with you. These could be any or all of the ones listed above. Either way, you’re listening to your inner senses and letting yourself be fully integrated with the world through unconditional love, including opening up to twin flame telepathy.

So basically, Twin Flame Telepathy is like some Professor X mind meld where you are connected to another soul that GOD or UNIVERSE has predestined you too?

Yes, essentially, and yes, I know it sounds even more far-fetched, but for those who experience twin flame telepathy and have found union, it goes beyond the supernatural.

Twin Flame Telepathy is connected strongly to a thing called the “astral realm”, which is described as: “The astral plane, also called the astral realm or the astral world, is a plane of existence postulated by classical, medieval, oriental, and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions.”

In his book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda provides details about the astral plans learned from his guru. Yogananda claims that nearly all individuals enter the astral plane after death. There they work out the seeds of past karma through astral incarnations, or (if their karma requires) they return to earthly incarnations for further refinement. Once an individual has attained the meditative state of nirvikalpa samadhi in an earthy or astral incarnation, the soul may progress upward to the “illumined astral planet” of Hiranyaloka. After this transitional stage, the soul may then move upward to the more subtle causal spheres where many more incarnations allow them to further refine before final unificati.

Although this is a certain perspective on the topic, astral realm theory revolves around these basic principles and scholars on the twin flame experience have labeled our world as “the matrix” or “3D realm” and twin flame telepathy is a basic passing through the different planes of spiritual existence to progress and/or communicate with your twin flame continuously due to the fact your souls are intertwined eternally.

What is 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, and 7D in the Twin Flame Experience?

I found this explanation by certified hypnotherapist and past life regression therapist Irina Nola to be one of the more in depth explanations of the astral plane theory and concept of twin flame telepathy:

2D is the level of nature below animals — rocks, plants, hive-mind insects. There is no separate individual awareness on this level, mostly ‘collective minds” of species.

3D is our world — 3-dimensional reality plus linear time, as a level of consciousness — this is the level of intelligent animals and most humans, slow-moving energy, duality, physical survival, emotions.

4D is the low astral plane — dreams, magic, imagination, and astral projection. This is the level where TFs connect in dreams or astral visitations, but this level has some dangers from demons, ghosts, and negative entities who reside in this realm. However, Guides or Angels also can travel in 4D to reach their wards and students in dreams or meditation.

5D is the higher astral plane, where souls come after death, but you can also visit it in meditation or hypnosis. There are all kinds of beautiful parks, buildings, and temples there. Souls have quasi-physical bodies — they look young and beautiful, and can be shape-shifted at will. After a soul goes through healing, it joins its Soulmates or/and the Twin Flame and can stay in this realm for a long time, studying, creating, and exploring the Universe and eventually planning the next physical life. Most books about the Afterlife describe the 5D. It is called Paradise, Summerland, the Park, the edge of non-physical reality, etc.

6D is the realm of the Higher Self — at this point, the soul will de-layer the looks of a physical body and become a ball of light. The Higher Self does not incarnate in physical bodies, it is a manager, a ringmaster of all your incarnations, the center of the Oversoul. It can affect incarnated souls as it is connected with all currently incarnated bodies — on Earth or other planets. Some Twin Flames have one Higher Self for both of them — the Split Souls — and Monadic Twin Flames have two different Higher Selves in communication with each other.

7D is the Mental Plane, the realm of condensed information. You can compare it to the digital cloud. This is where souls study their Akashic Records or any other subject they want to study. “Libraries” or ‘Halls of Records” are just props. Nowadays a lot of souls just use computers connected to the ‘Universal Internet” and do not need any ‘books” or ‘scrolls” — in the past, most channelers or hypnotherapy clients saw a giant library with books, and if this is convenient and familiar — you can always get ‘A book” in the Library. TFs can study their Records together or separately records. Split Souls will have most of their records as one book or computer file, as they usually incarnate as ‘one soul in one body”. For Monadic TFs, there will be two books or files as they always have their own bodies, but can share lives as a couple, family members or friends…

There are many levels above that: 8–9D are energy worlds with no shapes or forms, only energy and awareness. 10–11D is the Monadic Plane, where Monads separate from the Source and eventually split into Soul Groups or Twin Flames. 12D is the realm of the Source, ‘All That is”

However, the basic concept of a twin flame relationship is the almost addictive, obsessive and sometimes limerance-ish feeling one twin has for the other.

This leads to the question in the mind of every twin flame in existence, and that is, when will you physically be united or reunited with your twin flame?

What are the sign’s that you are ready for Twin Flame Reunion?

When twin flames are soon coming into reunion, this is how you would feel:

  1. You feel complete inner peace. No chase, no run. You stand still. The divine timing you have been waiting for years has finally arrived.
  2. Even your twin flame is currently with his karmic, you feel no jealousy over the situation. You feel like you can change Divine Masculine overnight from living in darkness to dancing in sunshine by just showing up. He would soon wake up from his karmic nightmares one after the other, and start to live a life with real purposes. Everyone, including his current karmic, thinks he is a broken psychopath, but he is injured only because he is looking for true love in the wrong place, the love no one could provide to him except his own twin flame. Divine already told you this and asked you to forgive him a while ago.
  3. Your life is put together. Everything is seemingly prefect and runs smoothly. Your boss asks you to prepare for the future as she sees a lot of potentials in you that have not been utilized yet.
  4. You don’t recall any hurt or wounds in your heart. You have no one in your mind that you would like to complain about. You are perfectly fine for being the one who is able to provide what people need.
  5. You feel incredibly feminine. People are drawn to you left and right. Your crush in your high school, college, jobs from the past are calling you and asking you out. Just a friendly dinner, they say. Random people are messaging you from Instagram telling you that you are beautiful. Oh yes, you have one headshot there. That’s it.
  6. Your soul mate/current karmic is feeling unsettled but remains quiet. He seems to notice something has changed about you but he did not know what to confront you with. He told you that he changed his Facebook relationship status to “In a relationship” and tagged you on it. Right, after being together for 15 years. He finally realized that he needed to acknowledge you too.
  7. Life is like unwrapping presents. You don’t know what gift God is going to give you today but you are patient. You know he already gave you the biggest gift by identifying you as his twin flame and walks with you in the spiritual enlightenment process. He even gives you a “teammate” that serves as your companion for the rest of your life.
  8. You have no karma with anyone. You start to see you have been paying for your debt in the past decades, silently and patiently, and now the balance is finally clear.
  9. From now on, you would only receive, create, and distribute your blessings, from Divine.
  10. Last but not least, you listen to Lord’s command carefully to discern for his most holy will, moment by moment. You love him more than everything/everyone on Earth.

However, regardless of how quickly or “un-quickly” union is meant to happen, we need to remember the true purposefulness of being on the twin flame journey and that is simply:

You’re Inspired to Be a Better Person

The purpose of a twin flame relationship is to awaken you to your untapped potential and ignite a fire deep inside you. This relationship pushes you to do and be better, and at the end of the day, it opens up a world of possibilities you never even dreamed of. “This journey demands spiritual growth,” says Savvas. Without growth, it’s impossible to get past your fears and whatever else is holding you back. Twin flame love is incredibly powerful, and it serves a distinct purpose: It elevates you to a better version of yourself.

So, are Twin Flames a New Age Spiritualism Hoax or True Complex Kundailini Physio-Psychospirtual Transformation between our 3D Matrix and GOD?

The unfortunate fact about this topic is that I am not GOD nor do I have special power, so alas, I cannot give you a factual answer, BUT I do believe the answer can be found in the last step before achieving twin flame union.

It is said to achieve union with your twin flame you must let go of expectation, surrender all to divine timing and have faith that GOD/Universe is bringing you exactly what you need when you need it. That is really the cornerstone thought on a topic such as this.

Exactly what you need when you need it.

For those who have experienced the physical effects of this journey, it becomes undeniable at times. For those who have not experienced it, it seems ludicrous. Such a difference of opinion will inevitably cause debate.

In the end, life, meaning and what we deem as important can only be discovered in the individuals own life’s timing,


We all know that when facing something we cannot fully explain, whether it be a twin flame relationship or working hard for a career that we truly wish to achieve, we have no choice but to simply surrender and hope everything works out for the best.

What is that process called?

HAVING FAITH, which seems, if GOD has a purpose for all of this, would be the point of more than just a TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIP, but LIFE in general.

FAITH, something we all need a little more of in our lives, I think.

