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How To Submit Music To Deezer Playlists. Here Are 3 Top Curators You Can Submit Your Music To.

Mark Hill


Pitching music to Topsify, Filtr & Digster who are owned by the major labels (Universal, Sony & Warner) can be really hard for independent artists because they are very unlikely to feature independent music.

Rizing Playlists, SoundPlate and Daily Playlists logos.

However there are whole companies specializing in making playlists and I have done some research and discovered some of the more popular names known to accept submissions.


1. Rizing Playlists :

Genres: All

How to submit music to: Submit Here


2. SoundPlate :

Genres: All

How to submit music to: Submit Here


3. Dayli Playlists:

Genres: All

How to submit music to: Submit Here


