The Daily Routine To Change Your Life

Matt Crane #MakeItCrane
6 min readJul 31, 2016


The Daily Routine to Change Your Life

A daily routine is something that we all should be incorporating into our everyday lives to make sure we reach the highest success level possible. These three parts of a daily routine are the most important and can have a drastic change in your life if consistently practiced.

Point #1: Have a Daily Task Calendar

It is highly important that as you go throughout the course of your day, to remember that keeping things that you are wanting to accomplish locked up in your mind is not the way to do it.

Grab a calendar that fits your personality and your particular style. Make sure it is ingrained in your brain that this is not going to be a pretty planner but a plenty planner. Too many people want to have nice, neat, and concise ways of planning things and yet I never see anything checked off. I do not see any notes when I am working with business owners, entrepreneurs, or individuals alike. When I travel the country and work with different organizations, like I have been doing over the past several months, it is very important that I let people know that your planner can start out neat, but throughout the day they are going to have notes and tasks that are going to look to invade their time. Because of this, it is very important that your daily task calendar or planner becomes part of your daily routine.

“Too many people want to have nice, neat, and concise ways of planning things and yet I never see anything checked off.” — Matt Crane

If you do not already have a daily routine in place then you are going to grossly underestimate the type of business that you need to conduct and this will cause your professionalism to be put into question. You are going to seem unorganized. I used to be the “Unorganized King,” but through different relationships that I have been able to garner through the industry, opportunities, and failing through moments of frustration and confusion, I have learned that the power of the daily calendar and planner has become a huge part of my daily routine.

You have to get a daily calendar or planner. I understand that it will not be fancy, nice, pretty, and have everything written down perfectly, but your goal is to mess it up. If you are utilizing it to your advantage then every task that you complete should also have notes on how you completed it, what was successful about it, what was not successful about it, what was frustrating about it, and what made it more efficient.

Get a daily planner and start using it.

Point #2: Personal Development Time

This is something that I miss understood how important it actually was.

When you have big ideas, big dreams, big goals, and you want to accomplish big things, sometimes you fail to understand that the only way you are going to get there is to constantly develop the person that is going to be the, “lead singer of the group.” — Matt Crane

Deep down inside places that we do not talk about when we are at parties, we all want to be the lead singer of the group, but we all have different skill sets. If I am constantly developing myself then I am going to learn how to become the best lead singer, the best drummer, the best guitar player, or the best backup vocalist. Whatever my skill set is, I am going to find how I can make it the most profitable for that project, that company, my job, or for my own business. The only way I am going to know that, and improve to my very best, is constantly developing myself.

Every morning I wake up an hour before I am supposed to wake up now, and I spend that one hour selfishly working on myself.

Why do I do that? Why do I sacrifice and extra hour of sleep?

I do so because my wife is still asleep and she is not going to require anything from me. My children are still asleep and they are not going to require anything from me, either. This gives me a big opportunity to work on myself.

This can be reading a book, watching a webinar, writing a blog, or going through my day and making sure that I am putting the things in my planner that are going to be beneficial, profitable, and maximize my time most efficiently. I could even be going through previous days’ notes that were not so great for me and finding out where I went wrong.

I will guarantee you that I am not perfect by any means. I make mistakes, I am a quick-start, I start some things and sometimes I do not see them all the way through, and that is something that I have to work on. But you know what I will not be crippled by anymore?

Transparency and authenticity.

Through my dedication to personal development I am able to truly feel comfortable getting behind the camera and really speaking on a level of superiority on this topic because I am living, walking, and breathing the actions to take in order to become more successful in my areas of focus. That is when you are going to become an expert.

For those of you that want to become a guru, for those of you that want to become an expert, and for those that say you want to become the very best, understand that transparency and authenticity are important but the dedication and requirements necessary to develop yourself have to be a priority. This is the most important part of my daily routine: The dedication to my personal development.

The one book that I read that changed my life in an interesting way was by Coach Michael Burt. In this book he talked about his process of becoming a coach, being engulfed in the environment, and training that way. This was one of the most efficient books I have ever read and it made me realize that personal development time is so important to the overall health and wealth of myself.

The healthier my mind is, the wealthier my performance will be. Ultimately, it will make my family and their future the most profitable.

Point #3: Control Time with Completion

You have to control time, but you have to control it with completion.

This is a challenge for me every single day. As a quick-start, as someone who has a ton of ideas, and as someone who creates a ton of momentum while getting excited very quickly, it is completing tasks that sometimes causes me the biggest headaches. No one is to blame for that but me.

The only way that I can continue to become more aware of time and more efficient through the completion of my tasks, is to implement from my daily calendar. I understand the value and necessity for my personal development, and ultimately I can increase the value of my time-control with completion.

What You Need Moving Forward

Right now if you feel stuck or if you feel as if your day is constantly running you, implement these three principles.

These principles may be basic for most people, but for some of you that are really struggling to bring Monday into Tuesday, Tuesday into Wednesday, and by the time you hit Friday you have more stress and depression piling on than you did when starting Monday, having these three effective and important parts of a daily routine implemented will help you move toward a more efficient life, a more productive workflow, and that will ultimately lead you to living a more healthy and happy life.

Surround yourself with people who are implementing these principles, and many others, into their day by joining my community on Facebook. Click HERE to reserve your spot in this group of positive hustlers!

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Matt Crane #MakeItCrane

Jeep Brand Ambassador | Proud Father & Husband | Published Writer | Podcast Host | CDJR Brand Expert