My Profile

Mohan S
2 min readJun 17, 2023


Hello, I am Mohan S. A Reactive Software Engineer from India.

I hope you have come across my resume. Thank you for showing interest on it. This section would be an implementation of present day.


One of the core developers in PowerSuite’s group of applications. A conglomeration of fintech microservices, which is serving a millions of workers across the North American continent bounded to US/Canadian administration laws.

i) Project PowerSuite ${Association with: Mahathi Infotech}

Designed, developed the several modules of PowerSuite applications which is serving as base for 5 different operating units and their subordinate portal applications to handle 1, 000, 000+ requests per month.

Note-able works: Apollo Rating engine, Workers compensation policy system, Premium calculation algorithm.

Note: The listed technologies/tools are mapped only to my spade-works and skills used in app development. The actual architecture of applications are confidential and subject to vary.

Build with: Java 8, 11, Spring Boot 2, Spring Webflux, Reactor

Style: Imperative, Reactive

Secured with: Spring security and JWT

API: REST and Non blocking RESTful services

Client: Postman

Database: MSSQL, Reactive MongoDB, Winsql

Server: Tomcat, Netty, IBM Websphere

Issue tracker: Jira

Build tool: Maven, Bamboo

Version control: BitBucket

Scheduler: Tidal enterprise

Documents: Confluence

Automation: ServiceNow

Logger: Log4j with AOP

Analytics: AppDynamics

Role: Software Development Engineer

ii) Project Neptune ${Type: Technology demonstrator}

Project Neptune is conglomerate of trio microservices(as of now) namely Triton, Proteus, Larissa respectively. Whereas Larissa acts as master in a cluster and triton and proteus as slave. This is a Non Profitable project which is specifically designed to study the functional reactive microservices in dynamic environments which enables to lay a strong foundation to build robust , scalable, resilient and reactive microservices in java which suits the multi dimensional requirements to keep par with business evolution.

Note: The listed technologies/tools are mapped deliberately. The actual technologies used to build these applications are subject to vary.

Build with: Java 11, Spring Webflux, Reactor

Style: Reactive

Secured with: Spring security and JWT

API: Non blocking RESTful services

Client: Postman

Database: Reactive MongoDB, R2DBC

Server: Netty

Build tool: Maven

Version control: GitHub

Logger: Log4j with AOP

Experimental: Docker

Role: Architect & Engineer


I declare that all the facts given above are genuine to the best of my knowledge and belief.



Mohan S

Software Development Engineer / Reactive Java Developer / Project Reactor / Spring boot WebFlux / Non Blocking RESTful services / MongoDB Reactive