Development of Children through Sensory Toys: A Comprehensive Study of Homemade Sensory Bags and Cubes

Kate Chered
8 min readFeb 3, 2024


Sensory play and experiences are vital for children’s development in a milieu where everything seems to be digitized and concepts change rapidly. Such sensory toys offer stimulation and an enriching experience for a child in exploring and learning with hands-on fashions. This article highlights the benefits of sensory play, focusing on homemade sensory bags and cubes and providing step-by-step instructions for making them.

What is the Essence of Sensory Play in Child Development?

Sensory play is necessary for child development. It involves activities that enable the child to use their senses, such as touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound. Sensory plays develop the child’s cognitive skills, improve a child’s memory, encourage the development of problem-solving skills, and work on fine motor skills. The basis for sensory toys such as sensory bags and cubes gives a child an opportunity for secure and imaginative exploration of everything around them to encourage curiosity and apprehension of the world.

Most common materials for homemade sensory toys such as flour or starch, legumes (beans, peas, soybean, corn), candies, nuts, natural material (acorn, chestnuts, shells, pebbles), erasers of different shapes, cotton or synthetic filler, buttons, and beads are also available and have different textures and sensations. In particular, dry pasta of various sizes and shapes may create a safe and unique filler for sensory bags and an object, providing opportunities for tactile investigation.

Safety Regarding Creation and Use of Homemade Sensory Toys?

What precautions do you take when choosing materials for homemade sensory toys?

Children’s safety and well-being must be prioritized when choosing materials for homemade sensory toys. According to developmental psychology research, some of the best baby gift items are in various forms of the above toys. Such senses provide sensory stimulation, essential in developing cognitive and motor skills. The materials used in putting together such toys should not be toxic, palliative, or non-allergic, and they must not contain parts that can be choking hazards to the child. Cleaning and drying thoroughly are recommended under health guidelines, stating that they help eliminate bacteria or fungi from natural materials like pebbles, shells, and wood. For fillers like beans, rice, and pasta, which are common for sensory bags, ensure they are stored in a dry, airtight container to avoid spoilage and mold growth that may prove harmful when inhaled or ingested by the children.

When making homemade sensory toys, it will also be good to look up the safety standards on children’s toys provided by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

These guidelines help keep children safe while engaging with their toys. The regulations emphasize to use materials big enough not to be swallowed but sturdy enough in order to resist biting and chewing, common behaviors in young children exploring their environment.

How to Inspect and Maintain the Homemade Sensory Toys for Continual Safety?

Homemade sensory toys should be routinely inspected and maintained so as to remain safe for children’s use. This process implies an inspection of toys in terms of incipient signs of damage — like gores, lacerations in textiles or cracks in materials of natural origin which might cause tiny pieces to flake off. Any damages found on them should be repaired right away, or discarded if possible to repair, in order not to result in a possibility of an injury or choking.

Normal maintenance also includes washing toys made from fabrics as per care instructions, with the purpose to eliminate dirt and germs. When children have toys with fillers like rice, beans, or pasta, it is important to ensure that none of these items have soaked some moisture in them since they usually develop molds. Another study in the Journal of Environmental Health concentrates on preventing mold within the environment esp,ecially for children, indicating that exposure to molds resulted in respiratory symptoms and allergic reactions.

You may also simply be sure to carefully supervised playtimes, particularly with young children who tend to place toys in mouth. This supervision allows caregivers to monitor toy interactions and intervene if a toy is starting to break or if a child is manipulating the toy in an undesirable manner.

So with material choices, safety parameters, checking, and supervised play, caregivers arguably do have the potential to create a safe and beneficial sensory play environment that addresses children’s developmental needs while mitigating any risks presented by the toys themselves.

What Are Some Ideas for Homemade Sensory Toys?

How Online Platforms Could Be a Goldmine of Sensory Toy Ideas

The digital era has ushered loads of avenues for parents and caregivers to create sensory toys. There are countless ideas available online on Pinterest, Instagram and specialized educational websites which cater to every ability level. They provide not only visual inspiration but also comprehensive tutorials and instructional guides. For instance, Pinterest boards are full of great ideas that go from no-sew to fairly complicated ones that need basic sewing skills. A moving perspective of homemade toys being used to encourage the child for sensory play has been put up in Instagram, which is a visual platform, garnering praise from caregivers

Many other blogs and sites, general as well as specialist educational, carry write-ups by early childhood educators and development therapists. Knowing the benefits of sensory play for the developmental domain and how homemade toys can be customized as per their need for addressing several areas of development like fine motor skills, cognitive development, language to name a few, such resources are priceless. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy often publishes studies that show how effective sensory play is, offering scientific proof as to using these toys to support child development.

Where to Find Special Materials and Supplies for Sensory Toys

Finding proper supplies to create homemade sensory toys is as crucial as the idea itself. Local craft stores, thrift shops, or even taking a walk in nature can provide an array of materials perfect for sensory play. Craft stores are ideal for purchasing fabric, buttons, ribbons and filling materials such as rice or beans. Most oftentimes, thrift shops can offer so many unique textures and patterns within those old clothes, blankets, or curtains that may be converted into sensory toys. In addition to the above, nature items such as stones, pinecones or shells can be collected during nature walks and used to provide a low cost and eco-friendly option for the contents of sensory bags.

Online stores specialized in supplying sustainable fabrics and fillers are available for those looking for environmental friendly or organic materials. These options may be especially attractive for caregivers worried about exposing children to artificial materials or chemicals. Materials that can also be used on a sensory toy are organic cotton bamboo fabrics too that is recycled or easily biodegradable and safe to the environment.

Materials used to make an effective sensory toy have to be of various stuff, and textures. The child will have a tactile experience when exploring a toy with cuddly details made of different types of fabric, each having a various touch. A study published in Developmental Psychology suggests that a multi-sensory experience used simultaneously may improve cognitive processing and memory consolidation in children. Some homemade sensory toys could include a large variety of materials sourced from different places for constructing a combined rich and enticing sensory experience that is fundamental to the overall growth of the person.

What are the Benefits of Using Homemade Sensory Toys?

Homemade sensory toys have various benefits to the children using them. They are relatively cheaper than the purchased ones; thus, a family can afford to give their child many choices of sensory experiences, which the family budget cannot easily purchase from the stores. Additionally, such toys could create parent-child interactions that offer time for parents as well time at the same time stimulating a child’s creativity and imagination.

Scientific studies support the purpose of early childhood development being sensory play. Studies show that through sensory play, children encourage building neural connections in their brain’s pathways. Through numerous activities, sensory play enables language development, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem-solving abilities as well as social interactions.

Finally, homemade sensory toys may involve sensory bags or cubed structures. They offer a fun, safe, and educational way to explore the senses, fostering cognitive and motor skills development. Parents and caregivers can use different avenues in making homemade sensory toys by taking caution while using differed types of materials to make sure that their child had the fun, stimulating and safe environment.


How Can Parents Make Homemade Sensory Toys Safe?

Home based safety for the homemade sensory toys include several key steps. Firstly, it is important that non-toxic materials are selected and safe handling by children. Furthermore, do a good wash very well and preferably drying so that dirt, bacteria or small foreign insects do not mix with the other natural materials such as acorns, chestnuts, or pebbles. They should be kept in a dry place away from dampness by keeping food items such as pasta, beans or rice. Besides this, one should ensure the sensory bags are well stitched or even tied closed where kids cannot open to get into the fillers so that no choking risk is got into consideration. More so, the toys should be inspected periodically for any part that is damaged and fix it or remove from the toy in order to sustain the play area safe and free from hazard.

Where Do Caregivers Get Ideas/Inspiration to Make Sensory Toys?

There is a wealth of sources where caregivers could have a look and derive inspiration when making sensory toys. First, the web is teeming with any number of creative ideas and detailed instructions about how to make sensory bags, pillows, or cubes, posted on such portals as Pinterest or YouTube, for instance, that one could virtually take as a template when they have a go at making one themselves. These resources often include step by step instructions that give a list of materials which come in handy for the caregiver to be able to customize sensory toys to child-specific interests and development needs. Furthermore, different educational websites and forums dedicated to various spheres of early childhood development can become a great inspirational source of ideas for the original sensory play supporting children’s education and exploring different from that applied in class.

What are Key Benefits Children Get from Sensory Play?

Playing with the senses has remarkable benefits among the practising children. Thus, it activates the senses so that children will learn more about the environment as well as how to relate with it. Play supporting sensory growth benefits cognitive development by boosting memory and problem-solving. It also has an important function in the development of fine and gross motor skills, as children are always manipulating small and large objects to develop these skills at this stage in life. In addition, bilingual children can expand language development through a series of sensory activities previously mentioned, as well as expand the level of their social skills by describing how they feel about the experience or playing cooperatively with other children. The tactile, visual, auditory, and olfactory stimulation that sensory play provides all support connections between these neural pathways to allow for far more complex learning challenges later on.

When Should Kids be Allowed to Take up Sensory Play?

Children can begin to be involved in sensory play even at an early age as they are just toddlers. Sensory experiences occur from an early stage of our life and are important for the development of our brain. Simple activities of discovering different texture, listening to different sound and looking at bright color are advantageous at the first few months of life. As the child grows, so is the complexity of these play activities progress to include structured tasks and playing with homemade sensory bags, cubes among others. Sensory play is not age-restrictive, but rather, children who are advancing in age can benefit from activities that will place demands on their sensory processing skills and will continue providing a source of learning and skill development for them.

