How Can You Tell if Your Child is an Indigo Child?

Kate Chered
2 min readDec 28, 2023


Parenting Indigo children requires understanding and adapting to their unique needs. This section offers guidance on effective parenting strategies.

To What Extent Does the Unconventional Behavior of Indigo Children Influence Parenting Approaches?

Many parents of Indigo children feel at a loss, thinking their parenting methods are flawed. Traditional parenting techniques often fail to resonate with these children. Instead, explaining the rationale behind actions and rules is more effective. Persuasion and reasoning align better with their independent and questioning nature.

In conclusion, raising an Indigo child presents unique challenges and rewards. Understanding their distinctive traits and adapting parenting and educational approaches can help these children thrive, harnessing their unique abilities for positive and creative contributions to society.


How Can You Tell if Your Child is an Indigo Child?

Identifying an Indigo child involves observing certain vital traits. These children often have advanced communication skills, an expansive vocabulary, and the ability to express complex ideas quickly. They show a strong sense of individuality, high self-esteem, and a distinct worldview. Unlike typical children, they don’t engage in simple queries but instead seek answers through observation and intuition. Their creative talents are usually evident across various domains.

Where Do Indigo Children Excel in Social Interactions?

Indigo children typically excel in environments where they can interact with adults or like-minded peers. Due to their advanced cognitive and emotional abilities, they often find it challenging to relate to their age-mates. These children prefer meaningful conversations and activities and thrive in settings where their uniqueness is acknowledged and valued.

What Are the Common Challenges Faced by Indigo Children in Traditional School Settings?

In traditional school settings, Indigo children may struggle due to their hyperactivity, difficulty in maintaining prolonged focus, and disinterest in conventional learning methods. Their advanced intellect and creativity can lead to boredom with repetitive or unchallenging tasks. They often question authority and standard practices, which can cause friction in a conventional educational system.

When Should Parents Seek Professional Help for Their Indigo Child?

Parents should consider seeking professional help if their Indigo child shows signs of extreme anxiety, persistent sleep disturbances, intense phobias, or suicidal tendencies. Professional guidance is also advisable if the child exhibits severe behavioral issues, such as prolonged defiance, aggression, or complete disengagement from social interactions.

How to Approach Discipline and Rules with an Indigo Child?

Disciplining an Indigo child requires a balance between structure and flexibility. Authoritarian methods are usually ineffective. Instead, parents should focus on explaining the reasons behind rules and the consequences of actions. Engaging in open dialogue, respecting their viewpoints, and using persuasive communication are vital strategies.

Originally published at on December 28, 2023.

