How Children’s Ways of Addressing Parents Reflect Underlying Family Dynamics

Kate Chered
4 min readJan 15, 2024


What is the Significance of a Child Calling Parents by Their First Names?

In the realm of family psychology, how a child addresses their parents can be a window into the family’s emotional and relational health. When a child refers to a parent by their first name, it can indicate a variety of underlying dynamics. Psychologist Natalia Istranova points out that in families where grandparents predominantly raise the child, the parent’s role might diminish to just another person, such as “Veronica,” among millions. This situation can deprive the child of the unique support and attention only a parent can provide. The key here is the child’s need for exclusive support, which is crucial for their emotional and psychological development.

Children look up to their parents as authority, wisdom, and strength figures. Parents must maintain their authority, not just for discipline, but to provide their children security and guidance.

When Do Children Begin to Distance Themselves from Parents and Why?

As children enter school age, they gradually start to carve out their identities, which can manifest in slowly distancing themselves from their parents. This shift can sometimes be observed in how they address their parents, moving from “mom” and “dad” to first names. This change can signal a child’s desire to perceive their parents more as friends, blurring age and familial hierarchies. While this can foster a sense of youthfulness in parents and a more egalitarian relationship, it may also indicate a weakening of family bonds, misunderstandings, and hurt feelings.

The transition of a child referring to their parents by name can be a red flag for family relationship issues. It’s essential to delve deeper into each case to understand the unique family dynamics, considering factors like family structure, relationship styles, traditions, and the child’s age and personality.

How to Encourage Children to Refer to Parents as ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’

Experts in child psychology and education stress the importance of addressing each case individually when changes occur in how children communicate with their parents. A simple correction and explanation of family roles and relationships can often suffice for preschool-aged children who start calling their parents by name. If the root cause is a lack of care, parents should strive to spend more quality time with their children, show affection, and take an active interest in their lives. In strained relationships, seeking professional psychological help is advisable.

Lack of parental involvement in a child’s life can lead to a loss of significance for the parent in the child’s eyes. This situation is especially prevalent in “celebrity families,” where parents are often busy with work, leading to divorces and new partnerships, creating complex family dynamics.

Unique Family Dynamics in Celebrity Households

Celebrity families often exhibit non-traditional family dynamics due to the nature of the parents’ careers, frequent divorces, and new partnerships. These unique circumstances can lead to complex parent-child relationships, as seen in the case of renowned Soviet actress and singer Lyudmila Gurchenko and her daughter Maria. Such examples highlight the varying degrees of familial relationships and the impact of external factors like career and societal status on family dynamics.

In conclusion, understanding how children address their parents offers profound insights into family psychology. It reflects the child’s perception of their parents and the overall health of family relationships. Parents and caregivers must remain attuned to these nuances, addressing them with empathy, understanding, and, when necessary, professional assistance to foster healthy, supportive family environments.


How Does a Child Calling Their Parents by First Name Affect Family Dynamics?

When a child starts calling their parents by their first names, it can indicate a shift in the family’s emotional landscape. This behavior might suggest a reduced sense of parental authority or intimacy. Sometimes, it reflects the child’s effort to establish an equal or friend-like relationship with their parents. However, this can also signify emotional distancing or a response to a lack of parental attention and involvement.

What Are the Psychological Implications of Grandparents Raising a Child?

In scenarios where grandparents primarily raise a child, the psychological implications can include a diminished role of the biological parents in the child’s life. The child may view the parents more as regular individuals rather than figures of authority or affection. This can lead to a lack of exclusive parental support and guidance, which is crucial for a child’s emotional and psychological development.

Where Should Parents Seek Help if They Notice Unusual Changes in How Their Child Addresses Them?

Parents should consider seeking help from child psychologists or family counselors if they notice significant changes in how their child addresses them. Professional guidance can help understand the underlying causes of these changes and develop strategies to strengthen family bonds and communication.

When Is It Normal for Children to Start Seeking Independence from Parents?

It’s normal for children to seek independence as they enter school age, typically around 5–7 years old. This phase is marked by them forming their identities and can involve changes in how they interact with their parents. While seeking independence is a healthy part of development, how it manifests in communication can vary significantly among children.

How Can Parents Maintain Their Authority While Fostering a Close Relationship with Their Child?

Parents can maintain their authority by setting clear boundaries and expectations while also nurturing a close and supportive relationship with their child. This involves balancing discipline with empathy, engaging in open communication, and showing interest and involvement in the child’s life. Parents should aim to be role models, providing guidance and support without stifling the child’s individuality and independence.

