How Cultural and Family Dynamics Influence Children's Way of Addressing Parents: An In-depth Psychological Perspective

Kate Chered
6 min readJan 15, 2024


What is the Significance of a Child’s Choice in Addressing Their Parents: Understanding the Underlying Psychological Implications

The way a child addresses their parent can offer profound insights into the family dynamics and cultural influences shaping their upbringing. In traditional settings, using terms like ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ signifies a normative familial structure, reflecting a certain level of affection and respect. However, in some cases, as observed in the life of Ludmila Gurchenko’s daughter, despite complex relationships, she persistently referred to her mother as “mama”. This choice could be interpreted as a longing for a more traditional mother-daughter relationship, possibly compensating for the emotional distance caused by Gurchenko’s career demands.

Similarly, in the family of Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva and her husband Maxim Galkin, despite the unconventional aspects of their family, including a significant age gap and surrogate motherhood, their daughter addresses Pugacheva as “mama”. This illustrates a desire to maintain conventional familial roles, even amidst non-traditional family structures.

Conversely, Zena, the youngest participant in Eurovision 2019, represents a contrasting dynamic. She addresses her parents by their first names, which, as her mother, a family psychologist, notes, helps maintain warm and respectful relationships, critical in their case where the family members are colleagues. This practice might be seen as a means of balancing their relationship’s professional and personal aspects, ensuring that boundaries are respected.

These examples highlight how the choice of address can be a window into the complexities of parent-child relationships. It’s not just about familiarity or formality; it reflects the child’s perceived role within the family and their emotional connection to their parents.

How Does the Parent-Child Relationship Evolve with the Choice of Address? Exploring the Shifts in Dynamics from Childhood to Adulthood

The evolution of how children address their parents can be a barometer for the changing dynamics in their relationship. For instance, in some families, children may begin to address their parents by their first names as they grow into adolescence. This shift often coincides with the child’s growing desire for autonomy and equality within the family. It’s a subtle yet powerful way of asserting their maturing identity and independence.

However, in other cases, as observed in the testimonial of a mother known as “Tanюxa,” children revert to more affectionate terms like “family” as they grow. This change could signify a deepening of the emotional bond as the child matures and begins to appreciate the parental role beyond mere authority figures. It underscores transitioning from a relationship based on dependency and authority to mutual respect and emotional connection.

The psychological underpinnings of these shifts are rooted in the developmental theories proposed by psychologists like Erik Erikson. According to Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development, adolescence is marked by the search for identity, where young individuals begin to see their parents more as individuals rather than just caregivers. This shift in perception can change how they address their parents, reflecting their evolving understanding of and relationship with them.

In contrast, the decision to continue using traditional terms like ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ into adulthood can also be significant. For many, these terms carry connotations of safety, care, and unconditional love. Continuing to use these terms can signify a lasting emotional bond and respect for the familial roles. It may also reflect cultural norms and values, underscoring the importance of family structure and roles in certain societies.

When to Consider Professional Guidance: Navigating Complex Family Dynamics and the Role of a Family Psychologist

In some scenarios, the way a child addresses their parent may signal underlying familial tensions or psychological issues. For instance, a sudden shift in address, such as a child unexpectedly starting to use a parent’s first name, could indicate a distancing or rebellion, potentially stemming from unresolved conflicts or the child’s struggle for independence.

In such cases, the expertise of a family psychologist can be invaluable. They can help families navigate these complex dynamics, offering insights into the psychological motivations behind a child’s behavior and facilitating communication to resolve underlying issues. They can also guide how to maintain healthy relationships within the family, respecting individual boundaries while fostering emotional connections.

Family psychologists often emphasize the importance of open communication and respect for individual perspectives within the family. They can assist in creating a family environment where each member feels heard and valued, which is crucial for healthy emotional development. Their role is not to enforce a particular way of addressing one another but to ensure that the chosen form of address reflects a mutually respectful and emotionally healthy relationship.

In conclusion, the

way children address their parents is more than a mere linguistic choice; it is a reflection of the complex interplay of emotional, psychological, and cultural factors influencing family dynamics. Whether it’s the traditional ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ or first-name basis, these choices carry deep psychological significance. They are markers of the child’s developmental stage, the nature of the parent-child relationship, and the cultural context in which the family operates.

Understanding these dynamics is crucial for parents and caregivers, as it helps them navigate the evolving relationship with their children and respond appropriately to their emotional and developmental needs. It also offers insights for professionals working with families, allowing them to provide more targeted and effective support.

In a world where family structures and cultural norms are constantly evolving, the significance of how we address each other within the family unit remains a poignant reflection of our deepest relational bonds and values. It’s a small window into the intricate tapestry of human relationships, revealing much about our desires, fears, and the ever-changing nature of the family.


How Does a Child’s Choice of Addressing Parents Reflect Their Emotional State?

How a child addresses their parents can significantly indicate their emotional state and relationship with them. If a child uses formal names instead of ‘mom’ or ‘dad,’ it might reflect a desire for independence or signal emotional distancing. Conversely, adherence to traditional terms can indicate a sense of security and emotional bonding. Psychological theories, like Erik Erikson’s stages of development, suggest that these choices mirror the child’s evolving identity and emotional connection with their parents.

Where Do Cultural Influences Play a Role in How Children Address Their Parents?

Cultural norms profoundly influence how children address their parents. In some cultures, using first names signifies equality and respect; in others, it’s disrespectful. These naming conventions shape cultural attitudes toward family hierarchy, respect, and independence. For example, a growing trend of children addressing parents by first names in Western cultures reflects a more egalitarian view of the parent-child relationship.

What Are the Implications of Addressing Parents by First Names in a Professional Setting?

When family members work together, as in the case of Zena and her parents, addressing parents by their first names can help maintain professional boundaries. It allows for a clear distinction between family and professional roles, fostering respect and equality in the workplace. This practice can prevent conflicts arising from overlapping personal and professional dynamics, ensuring a healthier working relationship.

When Should Families Seek Professional Help Regarding Communication and Addressing Issues?

Families should consider seeking professional help if there are significant communication breakdowns or how children address their parents signals deeper relational issues. Sudden changes in how a child addresses a parent, especially if accompanied by behavioral changes, may warrant attention. Family psychologists can guide understanding and improving communication patterns, helping to resolve underlying conflicts or misunderstandings.

