How Does ‘Yeralash’ Influence the Perception and Behavior of Children in Modern Times?

Kate Chered
4 min readDec 26, 2023


What is the Historical Significance of ‘Yeralash’ in the Landscape of Children’s Entertainment?

The story of ‘Yeralash’ begins in 1974 in the Soviet Union. Originally conceived as a children’s counterpart to the satirical journal Fitil, the series aimed to reflect societal issues through the lens of childhood humorously. Directed by Alla Surikova and later by Boris Grachevsky and Alexander Khmelik, ‘Yeralash’ featured stories from renowned writers like A. Barto and V. Dragunsky, with famous actors like Y. Nikulin and N. Krachkovskaya participating. The series was marked by its satire and educational intent, aiming to discourage traits like laziness and ignorance in children.

The golden era of ‘Yeralash’ is often hailed for its ingenious storytelling and actors’ stellar performances, including a young cohort of talented child actors. Notable episodes like ’40 Devils and One Green Fly’ showcased the brilliance of its content and the actors’ skills. The series, devoid of vulgarity, resonated with viewers for its freshness, originality, and warmth.

How Has Modern ‘Yeralash’ Evolved and What Are Its Impacts on Today’s Young Audience?

Over the years, particularly during the period of Perestroika, ‘Yeralash’ underwent significant changes. The easing of censorship and the passing of many original actors and writers led to a noticeable shift in the series’ tone and content. Today, ‘Yeralash’ continues to air, but the question arises: does it still offer the same positive influence on children as it did in the past?

In assessing the current version of ‘Yeralash’, it’s crucial to understand the evolving media landscape and its effects on children. Modern children are exposed to a plethora of content through various digital platforms, making them more discerning viewers. This change calls for a critical examination of ‘Yeralash’s’ storylines, humor, and educational value in the context of contemporary societal norms and expectations.

What is the Psychological Impact of Watching ‘Yeralash’ on Children’s Cognitive and Social Development?

From a psychological perspective, children’s programs like ‘Yeralash’ play a vital role in shaping young minds. The content children watch can influence their cognitive development, social skills, and understanding of the world around them. In evaluating ‘Yeralash’, it’s important to consider aspects such as the portrayal of gender roles, conflict resolution methods, and the representation of moral and ethical values. Are the modern episodes of ‘Yeralash’ reinforcing positive behaviors and attitudes, or are they inadvertently perpetuating outdated or potentially harmful stereotypes?

Current research in child psychology suggests that the media children consume significantly impacts their behavior and attitudes. For instance, programs that depict cooperation, empathy, and problem-solving skills can positively influence children’s social development. Conversely, exposure to aggressive or inappropriate behavior can lead to imitation of such actions. Therefore, the content of ‘Yeralash’ should be scrutinized for its potential effects on children’s behavior and attitudes.


How Has ‘Yeralash’ Adapted Its Content Over the Years?

‘Yeralash’ has undergone significant transformations since its inception in 1974. Originally mirroring societal issues satirically, it aimed at educating and entertaining children. With the easing of censorship in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the content gradually shifted to accommodate changing societal norms and attitudes. This evolution is reflected in its themes, characters, and humor, with a noticeable difference in the portrayal of societal issues compared to its earlier versions.

Where Can Parents Find Reliable Reviews and Ratings for Modern ‘Yeralash’ Episodes?

Parents looking for reliable reviews and ratings of modern ‘Yeralash’ episodes can turn to various online platforms. Websites dedicated to children’s programming, educational forums, and parenting blogs often provide insightful reviews. Additionally, social media groups and online communities of parents can offer firsthand accounts and opinions, helping parents make informed decisions about whether ‘Yeralash’ is suitable for their children.

What are the Key Psychological Impacts of Watching ‘Yeralash’ on Children?

The psychological impacts of watching ‘Yeralash’ on children include influencing their cognitive development, social skills, and moral understanding. Programs like ‘Yeralash’ can shape young viewers’ perceptions of gender roles, conflict resolution, and ethical behavior. While positive portrayals can foster empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving skills, negative or outdated stereotypes can lead to imitation of undesirable behaviors.

When Should Children Be Allowed to Watch ‘Yeralash’?

Children should be allowed to watch ‘Yeralash’ at an age when they can differentiate between entertainment and real-life behaviors, typically around the age of 7 to 8 years. It’s also crucial for parents to consider the maturity level of their child and the specific content of the episodes. Parental guidance and discussion about the themes and lessons in ‘Yeralash’ can enhance its educational value.

How Can Parents Use ‘Yeralash’ as a Tool for Teaching Social and Moral Values?

Parents can use ‘Yeralash’ as a teaching tool by discussing the episodes with their children. This includes talking about the behaviors depicted, the consequences of actions, and the moral of the stories. Parents can highlight positive behaviors like empathy, teamwork, and honesty, and explain why certain actions or attitudes depicted might be inappropriate or outdated. This active engagement helps children apply the lessons from ‘Yeralash’ to real-life situations.

Originally published at on December 26, 2023.

