How to Build Positive Relationships with Preschool Educators: A Guide for Parents

Kate Chered
4 min readDec 26, 2023


What Information Should Parents Share with a Preschool Educator?

In the realm of early childhood education, the first step to building a strong relationship with your child’s educator is effective communication. On the first day at preschool, providing the teacher with comprehensive information about your child is vital. This includes their temperament, favorite activities, dietary preferences, and allergies or health issues. Additionally, sharing insights into your child’s sleep habits and family culture can significantly aid the educator in understanding and meeting your child’s needs.

Scientific studies underscore the importance of this initial exchange. Research in developmental psychology shows that when educators have a deeper understanding of a child’s background, they are better equipped to provide tailored support, facilitating a smoother transition into the preschool environment. This fosters a sense of security in the child and builds trust between the parent and the educator.

How Can Parents Form a Friendship with Their Child’s Preschool Teacher?

Forming a positive relationship with your child’s preschool teacher involves respect, understanding, and patience. From the outset, avoiding jumping to conclusions or making demands is important. If issues arise, such as your child not receiving the attention you expect, approach the teacher calmly and seek a constructive dialogue. This shows respect for their professional expertise and opens up a channel for collaborative problem-solving.

Also, showing appreciation for the educator’s efforts can go a long way. A study published in the “Journal of Early Childhood Education” found that positive parental reinforcement and acknowledgment significantly contribute to teacher morale and student dedication.

When Potential Conflicts Arise: Navigating the Challenges

Conflicts in the preschool setting are not uncommon, but how they are handled can make a significant difference. For instance, discussing this respectfully is important if you disagree with a teacher’s approach or discipline method. Understanding the preschool policies and guidelines is vital to align your expectations accordingly.

Educational psychology suggests that conflict resolution in early childhood settings should focus on open communication and a shared goal of what’s best for the child. This might involve compromise and flexibility from both the parent and the educator.

Addressing Parental Concerns About a Child’s Experience in Preschool

If you have concerns about how your child is being treated or their preschool progress, it’s important to address these concerns directly with the educator. When doing so, it’s helpful to come prepared with specific examples and to ask for the teacher’s perspective. Remember, the goal is to work together to ensure the best possible experience for your child.

In conclusion, establishing and maintaining a positive relationship with your child’s preschool educator is crucial. It involves open communication, mutual respect, understanding, and a collaborative approach to conflict resolution. Following these guidelines can create a strong foundation for your child’s early education journey.


How Can I Effectively Communicate with My Child’s Preschool Educator?

Effective communication with your child’s preschool educator begins with being open and transparent. Share detailed information about your child’s preferences, habits, and special needs. Regularly check in with the educator during pick-up and drop-off times or through scheduled meetings. It’s also beneficial to ask the teacher how they prefer to communicate through email, phone calls, or face-to-face meetings.

Where Should Parents Focus When Discussing Their Child’s Progress in Preschool?

When discussing your child’s progress, focus on both their academic and social development. Ask the teacher about your child’s interactions with peers, participation in activities, and any areas where they excel or need improvement. Also, inquire about how your child’s emotional and behavioral development is supported in the classroom.

What Are the Key Elements to Include When Sharing Information About My Child?

The key elements to include when sharing information about your child are their health and dietary restrictions, sleep patterns, emotional temperament, learning styles, and any cultural or family practices that may impact their behavior or interaction at preschool. This information helps the educator create a more personalized and comfortable learning environment for your child.

When Is the Best Time to Address Concerns with a Preschool Educator?

The best time to address concerns is as soon as they arise. However, it’s important to choose a time when you can have a focused conversation, such as during a scheduled meeting or a calm period during pick-up or drop-off. Avoid having serious discussions during hectic or transitional times of the day.

How Can Parents Support Their Child’s Transition to Preschool?

Parents can support their child’s transition to preschool by preparing them for the change. Talk to your child about what to expect, visit the preschool together before starting, and establish a consistent routine. Being supportive and positive about the new experience can greatly ease your child’s transition.

Originally published at on December 26, 2023.

