Kate Chered
3 min readDec 30, 2023

In the digital era, the rise of internet-based professions is undeniable, and one prominent role is that of a video blogger. While not everyone pursues this for monetary gain, many enjoy creating and sharing videos online. A pressing question for parents today is: should they allow their children to start a YouTube channel? This article delves into the benefits and potential risks of child vlogging on YouTube, offering insights from psychological perspectives and providing guidance for parents.

What is the Potential Benefit of a Child Owning a YouTube Channel?

Children's YouTube channels are increasingly common, covering diverse topics like toy reviews, family videos, and creative activities. The benefits of such channels for children are multifaceted:

Where are the Risks in Children's Blogging on YouTube?

Despite these benefits, many parents hesitate to allow their children to start a YouTube channel, fearing various negative consequences:

What do Psychologists Say About Children and YouTube Channels?

Psychologists emphasize the importance of balancing the benefits and risks. They suggest:

How Should Parents Behave if Their Child is a Young Video Blogger?

For parents navigating their child's interest in YouTube, the approach should be supportive yet cautious:

In conclusion, whether to allow a child to start a YouTube channel is a decision that requires careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks. By providing guidance, support, and supervision, parents can help their children navigate the world of online video blogging safely and productively.


How Can Parents Monitor Their Child's YouTube Activity Effectively?

To effectively monitor a child's YouTube activity, parents should establish a routine of open communication and regular check-ins. This involves discussing the content of the videos, understanding the child's motivations, and being aware of whom they are interacting with online. Utilizing parental control features on YouTube and maintaining access to the child's account are practical steps. Importantly, this monitoring should be done with trust and respect for the child's privacy, avoiding an overly intrusive approach.

What Are the Key Strategies for Ensuring a Child's Safety on YouTube?

Ensuring a child's safety on YouTube involves several key strategies: Educating the child about internet safety, including the importance of not revealing personal information; setting clear rules about the type of content that can be posted; monitoring comments and interactions on the channel to guard against cyberbullying; and using YouTube's privacy settings to control who can view and interact with the videos. Parents should also regularly discuss the child's experiences and challenges on the platform.

Where Can Parents Find Resources to Help Their Children Create Positive YouTube Content?

Parents can find resources for positive YouTube content creation from a variety of sources. Educational websites, YouTube's Creator Academy, and online courses offer guidance on creating engaging and safe content. Books and workshops on digital literacy and content creation can also be valuable. Parents might also seek advice from experienced content creators or educators who understand the platform's nuances and can offer age-appropriate guidance.

When Is the Right Time for a Child to Start a YouTube Channel?

The right time for a child to start a YouTube channel depends on the child's maturity, understanding of the internet, and readiness to handle both the positive and negative aspects of online exposure. The child must demonstrate a sense of responsibility, an understanding of internet safety, and a balanced approach to online and offline activities. Parental guidance and the child's ability to handle feedback and criticism are also important factors.

How Can Parents Help Their Child Balance