Focus on What You Can Control and Forget What You Can’t

Are You Wasting Energy on the Uncontrollable?

An Insighter
4 min readFeb 18, 2024
Photo by Ravi Palwe on Unsplash

Ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels, trying to control things that are simply out of your hands? It’s like trying to stop the rain from falling or convincing your cat to fetch. Well, darling, it’s time to shift gears and focus on what you can actually control. Let’s dive into why this mindset shift can be a game-changer for your journey to success.

The Illusion of Control

Life’s a wild ride, isn’t it? Sometimes it feels like we’re strapped into the passenger seat, careening down a road filled with unexpected twists and turns. Despite our best efforts, we can’t always steer the car in the direction we want. That’s because much of what happens around us is beyond our control. It’s like trying to lasso a cloud — futile and exhausting.

Embrace the Power of Acceptance

Here’s the thing: trying to control the uncontrollable is like trying to catch lightning in a bottle. It’s flashy, it’s exciting, but ultimately, it’s impossible. Instead of banging your head against the wall, why not embrace the power of acceptance? Acceptance doesn’t mean defeat; it means recognizing reality for what it is and choosing to focus your energy where it can actually make a difference.

Channel Your Energy Wisely

Imagine you have a limited supply of energy each day — because, let’s face it, you do. Now, picture yourself standing at a crossroads, with one path leading to things you can control and the other to things you can’t. Where are you going to invest your precious energy? Hint: it’s not the dead-end street of the uncontrollable. By channeling your energy wisely, you’ll find yourself moving closer to your goals with purpose and determination.

Let Go of the Past

Ah, the past — a treasure trove of memories, both bitter and sweet. But here’s the kicker: you can’t change what’s already happened. No amount of wishing, hoping, or regretting will alter the past one iota. Why expend your energy dwelling on it? Anchor yourself in the present, open to the boundless opportunities to come. Your future self will express gratitude for your actions.

Take Ownership of Your Choices

Life is full of choices, big and small. What to wear, what to eat, who to spend your time with — the list goes on. While you can’t control the outcome of every choice you make, you can control the process. Take ownership of your decisions, knowing that each one is a step forward on your journey. And if you stumble along the way? Well, that’s just part of the adventure.

Nurture a Growth Mindset

Ever heard the phrase, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”? Well, there’s some truth to that old adage. The mindset you adopt significantly influences the reality you experience. By cultivating a growth mindset — one that embraces challenges and sees failure as an opportunity for growth — you’ll open doors you never knew existed. So go ahead, challenge those self-limiting beliefs and watch yourself soar.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

They say you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So, take a good look around — are your closest companions lifting you up or dragging you down? Surround yourself with positivity — with people who believe in you, support you, and inspire you to be your best self. Believe me, it truly makes a world of difference.

Practice Gratitude Daily

In a world that’s constantly pushing us to want more, more, more, it’s easy to lose sight of the blessings right in front of us. That’s where gratitude comes in. Set aside a moment every day to acknowledge and appreciate your blessings, whether they’re grand or minuscule. Whether it’s a roof over your head, a hot cup of coffee, or a friendly smile from a stranger, there’s always something to be grateful for. And the more you practice gratitude, the brighter your world will become.

Are You Ready to Shift Your Focus?

So, dear reader, I’ll leave you with this question: are you ready to shift your focus from the uncontrollable to the controllable? Are you ready to channel your energy into areas where it can truly make a difference? The choice is yours, my friend. But remember, success isn’t just about reaching your goals — it’s about the journey you take to get there. Why not transform it into a journey worth cherishing in memory?

Have a great day!

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An Insighter

I do a lot of things Professionally and most of the things Passionately. On the other side, I am the one who sees things differently and act diversely.