Think Like a Child and Rediscover the Magic

Why should we think like children?

An Insighter
6 min readSep 1, 2023
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

Life often feels like a whirlwind, doesn’t it? We get caught up in the daily grind, chasing deadlines, and navigating the complexities of adulthood. Somewhere along the way, we lose sight of something precious — our inner playground, that place where creativity and wonder reign supreme. So, what happened to it? Why do we struggle to find it as adults?

Let’s take a journey together to explore how we can rekindle the spark of childlike thinking, unleashing our creativity and rediscovering the magic hidden within us.

Children have an innate ability to approach life with fresh eyes, boundless curiosity, and unbridled enthusiasm. This childlike thinking isn’t just cute; it’s a powerful tool that can reignite your passion for life and boost your creativity. Here’s why you should tap into your inner child:

  • Unleash Creativity: Children aren’t bogged down by preconceived notions and rules. They invent imaginary worlds, draw fantastical creatures, and explore their boundless creativity.
  • Problem-Solving: Kids approach problems with a “try and see” attitude. They’re not afraid to make mistakes and learn from them, which often leads to innovative solutions.
  • Optimism: Remember the child who believed they could become an astronaut, a superhero, or a princess? That optimism can be a potent force when facing life’s challenges.
  • Reduced Stress: When we think like children, we let go of the worries and anxieties that often plague us as adults. It’s like taking a mental vacation.

How can we reconnect with our inner child?

  1. Embrace Curiosity: Children are perpetual questioners. Channel your inner child by asking questions about the world around you. What makes the sky blue? Why do leaves change color in the fall? Nurture your curiosity, and you’ll find wonder everywhere.
  2. Play Without Purpose: Engage in activities just for the fun of it, without any end goal. Build a sandcastle, fly a kite, or draw with crayons. Remember, it’s not about the outcome; it’s about the process.
  3. Embody Fearlessness: Children aren’t afraid of making mistakes or looking foolish. Try new things without worrying about what others might think. Whether it’s making, finding, or trying a new hobby, take that leap of faith.

Arsalan’s Journey to Rediscover His Inner Playground

Arsalan, a marketing executive, had become trapped in the monotony of his job. The constant pressure and deadlines drained his creativity. One day, his five-year-old niece invited him to join in a finger-painting session.

Initially hesitant, Arsalan picked up a brush and allowed himself to get lost in the world of colors. As he painted alongside his niece, he noticed a profound shift in his mindset. His worries melted away, and he began to see life with a child’s wonder.

Soon, Arsalan started incorporating playful elements into his work. He organized brainstorming sessions with his team using LEGO bricks, and the results were astounding. Their creativity flourished, and the projects they produced were not only innovative but also fun to work on.

Arsalan’s story is a testament to the transformative power of reconnecting with your inner child.

How to nurture your imagination like a child?

  1. Doodle and Draw: Grab a sketchpad and start doodling. Don’t worry about the outcome; just let your imagination flow through your pen or pencil. It’s a fantastic way to free your mind.
  2. Daydream: Remember those moments when you would gaze out of the window, lost in your thoughts? Allow yourself to daydream. It’s a playground for your imagination.
  3. Read Fiction: Dive into a captivating book or story. Let your mind wander into the world of fiction, where anything is possible.
  4. Tell Stories: Create stories, even if it’s just for yourself. These stories can be about your day, your dreams, or fantastical adventures. It’s a great way to exercise your imagination.

Masood’s Imaginary Adventures

Masood, an accountant, felt trapped in a routine of numbers and spreadsheets. He longed for a break from his mundane life. One day, inspired by his niece’s bedtime stories, he started writing his own tales.

Every evening, Masood would sit at his desk and weave stories about knights, enemies, and far-off lands. It was as if he had unlocked a hidden world within himself. These stories transported him to a place where his imagination ran wild.

As he continued this nightly ritual, Masood’s creativity spilled into his work. He began finding innovative solutions to financial problems, much to the surprise of his colleagues and clients. By nurturing his childlike imagination, he not only found joy but also excelled in his profession.

How to adopt the “What if” mindset?

Children are masters of the “What if” game, where they explore endless possibilities and scenarios. As adults, we often lose this ability, but we can bring it back:

  • Ask “What If” Questions: Challenge yourself to ask questions like, “What if I quit my job and pursued my passion?” or “What if I traveled the world for a year?” These questions can spark new directions in life.
  • Brainstorm Wild Ideas: Gather with friends or colleagues and have a brainstorming session where no idea is too crazy. You’ll be amazed at the creative solutions that emerge.
  • Take Calculated Risks: Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. Childlike thinking encourages you to explore uncharted territory.

Sarah’s “What If” Adventure

Sarah, a software engineer, had always dreamed of becoming a travel blogger. However, the stability of her job kept her from taking the leap. One day, she decided to embrace the “What if” mindset.

She asked herself, “What if I quit my job and traveled the world?” The thought scared her, but it also excited her. With careful planning, she left her job and embarked on a journey of a lifetime.

During her travels, Sarah documented her adventures through a blog and social media. Her storytelling skills, honed from years of reading and imagining, drew in a loyal following. What started as a “What if” question turned into a successful career that combined her passion for travel and writing.

Reconnecting with the joy of simple things

Children find joy in the simplest of pleasures: a rainbow after rain, the rustling of leaves, or a game of tag with friends. As adults, we often overlook these moments. Here’s how to bring back the magic of simple pleasures:

  • Savor Moments: Slow down and savor everyday moments. Enjoy your morning coffee, watch the sunset, or take a leisurely walk in the park.
  • Disconnect and Reconnect: Put away your devices for a while. Disconnecting from the constant barrage of information allows you to reconnect with the world around you.
  • Nurture Friendships: Spend quality time with friends and family. Engage in activities that make you laugh, play board games, or share stories.

Mohsin’s Rediscovery of Simple Pleasures

Mohsin, a corporate executive, had become consumed by his high-pressure job. He had lost touch with the simple pleasures of life. One weekend, he decided to unplug from his devices and take a camping trip with friends.

As they sat around the campfire, sharing stories and roasting meat, Mohsin realized how much he had been missing. The crackling fire, the starry sky, and the laughter of his friends rekindled a sense of joy he hadn’t felt in years.

Mohsin made it a point to schedule regular breaks and reconnect with simple pleasures. He started taking short walks during lunch breaks, appreciating the beauty of nature. These small changes not only improved his overall well-being but also made him a more effective leader at work.

Why is play important for adults?

Play isn’t just for kids; it’s essential for adults too. Engaging in playful activities can reduce stress, boost creativity, and improve overall happiness. Here’s how you can incorporate play into your life:

  • Playful Workouts: Explore physical activities that feel like play, such as walking, jogging, horse riding, swimming, or playing sports. It’s a fun way to stay active.
  • Board Games and Puzzles: Gather friends or family for a game gathering. Board games, puzzles, and card games are not only entertaining but also promote social interaction.
  • Creative Hobbies: Pick up a hobby that allows you to express yourself creatively. Whether it’s painting, writing, or doing experiments, find something that brings you joy.

In a world that often demands seriousness and responsibility, it’s easy to forget the joy of childlike thinking. But by embracing curiosity, nurturing your imagination, adopting a “What if” mindset, savoring simple pleasures, and incorporating play into your life, you can unlock the door to your inner playground.

Remember, it’s never too late to think like a child and rediscover the magic within you. So, what are you waiting for? Dive headfirst into the world of childlike wonder, and let your creativity soar. Your inner playground awaits!

Have a great day!

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An Insighter

I do a lot of things Professionally and most of the things Passionately. On the other side, I am the one who sees things differently and act diversely.