An alternate way to find square of a Number

Niphin M
1 min readSep 22, 2016


Mathematics was and always an interesting subject to me. In my High school days I had spent more time on Maths than any other subject and finding square of a number was very frequent job and time consuming one in those days . So I had found a little bit easier way to find the square of a number which I would like to share it with you people.

My solution was a simple and it did simplified the computation in a way :). The idea is if you want to find a square of the number x , then to find x² you can choose a number ‘y’ whose square is already known to you and is close to number x. Then x² = y² + (x-y)(x+y) . For eg; if you want to find square of 82 then you can take 80 as base y whose square you can compute easily/know already, so that 82² = 80² + (82–80)(80+82) = 6400 + 162*2 = 6724. Taking another example 88 , you can choose the base number as 90, so 88² = 90² + (88–90)(88+90) = 8100 - 356 = 7744. In this way you can break down a big computation to series of easy & small computations to arrive at the result easily ;) .

Shout out your thoughts please :)

