We are the Dementors! Is there any spell to fight back?

3 min readOct 25, 2017


I bet you remember these creepy looking dementors from the Harry Potter Film Series. They are bad, I’ll say deadly. Because they take away the most precious thing anyone can possess — HAPPINESS. As the wiki says —

Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself… soulless and evil. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life.

Like these imaginary creatures, we’re draining out our happiness and peace every moment from each other’s lives. Even from our own lives.

You must be questioning — how?

Let’s tell a story then —

Suppose, you met a person, someone you like and love. He/She can be your girlfriend/boyfriend, friend/colleague, etc. You feel happy staying together, sharing things, doing things, both of you understands each other. But, after someday or somehow things go wrong and you go apart from each other. Suppose, It’s not really your fault, the other person cheated or turned out to be bad.

Now, you’ll feel that heartbreak, that loneliness and all sad feelings of the world will come rushing towards you. Seems familiar to those Dementors?

Yeah, that person, the wrong person acted as a dementor in this scenario. He/She set your happy soul apart from you and for a moment you feel like you’ll never be as happy as before!

Source: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/EnragedDecisiveAgouti-max-1mb.gif

Now, The Second Part of the story

You’ve become quiet and non-approaching in anything as you feel sad these days. You need to be happy, but you alone can’t find happiness ’cause you already started thinking how unlucky you are. And deep down in your heart, you’re expecting someone good to make you happy again!

After someday, you meet someone with a really good heart. Then you’ll make sure you can’t be fooled again and try to extract all the happiness in this whole universe kept hidden only for you, out of that person. You’ll feel lucky and happy again ’cause this time you’ve got everything you expected.

After few more days, suddenly you get furious with very little matters. You start hurting that good soul. Day by day things will get worse and you two will end up apart from each other.

Now, who’s the dementor? It’s you. Though you didn’t want to be one. But, somehow it’s you.

Third Part of the Story

This soul eating keeps running among us. We’re eating each other’s good souls — happiness and peace.

Sometimes, we’re our own dementors.

You’ll find yourself in some situation where you can’t get happy only because of yourself! There will be no other reason to blame and it’s not your luck. It’s just you who make yourself feel unhappy, unlucky.

Solution: The Patronus Charm

I wish, in real life, there were a charm like Patronus!

Whatever, we still can be the caster of our own version of spell -

Just kill the dementor inside and try to share happiness as much as you can, with as many as you can. Let our hearts be clean and free of selfishness, hatred, Greed.

Remember, there will be a thousand reasons to be unhappy in life and only a few to be happy. The Choice is yours to be happy or not.

As a beginner writer, I expect thoughtful comments, suggestions from my readers. And don’t forget to hit that 👏 icon many many times, that means a lot of appreciation and will help to reach out more people.

Thank you. Have a happy time.

