In the Mind of the Creator (The Plan of God) — Part 2

4 min readMar 23, 2024


In the Mind of the Creator (The Plan of God) — Part 2

Listening is vital

Suppose I go to the office of the Managing Director of the company I worked with and I aimed to find what was in his mind or what are his thoughts regarding the details of a particular project and then when I got to his office I didn’t listen to him. How do I expect to get any results?

You see, I used to do all the talking when I prayed to God. I asked questions, I asked for provision, I asked for clarifications, I asked for all kinds of things, but guess what, I didn’t do something as basic as listening. After I had finished jabbering on, I would say “Amen” and leave. No wonder I never got any response or feedback; I wasn’t listening to listen to what God might have to say to me.

A simple and practical way is to get a pen and paper and bring it with you when you are praying, just as you would if you were attending an important meeting. This way, you are ready to listen and then record for future reference. These basic tools will help you record the “minutes” of your meeting with our Heavenly Father.

“Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Write all the words which I have spoken to you in a book. Jeremiah 30:2

You could write at the top of the paper questions like :

“What is the plan of God for me in my home?” or “What school should I attend next?” or “Which career path school should I take?”

While praying, I ponder on my questions, talk to God, listen (in my heart) quietly, and then write as fast as I can as He speaks to my heart.

God has revealed His plan for my life to me numerous times using this straightforward approach.

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27

Peace be still

I’ve found that a very vital component of the will of God or the plan of God is peace — they seem to go hand in hand. I can identify the leading of the Holy Spirit as I sense God’s peace about a matter. Peace in thoughts and heart.

The prophet Isaiah wrote “For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace” (Isaiah 55:12). God’s best for our lives is that we will be led with peace of mind and joy.

Having the peace of God is a key indicator of God’s guidance; it helps confirm we are on the right path. The inner peace that is present as I take each step is saying “yes”; this is God’s plan. The opposite is also true; every step I take in the wrong direct shouts and says, “confusion!! this is not God’s plan”.

Trust God

[caption id=”attachment_6136" align=”alignright” width=”285"]

trust God

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels[/caption]

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5–6

This scripture is one of my best scriptures. It states what we should do and also what we should NOT do. We are to rely on the Lord and not to trust our understanding (i.e., our beliefs on how things should occur). It is a warning that we cannot fully grasp or understand everything God is saying or doing. Just like a 4-year-old may not understand why he has to wear a uniform or why education is important, or why he has to leave his parents on the first day of school, so also I cannot understand everything plan of God for me at the time. My mind is way too small.

The human mind tends to have a strong need to understand everything, but that is quite impossible. God alone knows all things and the future, and since we know He has our best interest at heart, we can safely trust Him.

Final words:

These simple seven keys, if followed, will certainly guide anyone on the plans of the Creator His plan. Click to read part 1

Remember, “seek, and you will surely find” (Luke 11:9)

God bless you.

I am Olufunme

