I Built An Affiliate Business Using ChatGPT

Paul Rose
10 min readJan 8, 2024


Turn ChatGPT into a Passive Income Business

I love ChatGPT.

But No! It isn’t a magical money machine. In fact, it isn’t a Magical Anything.

But it sure is a helper.

And today, we’ll be needing its help to launch our very own Affiliate Marketing business.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

How does that sound? Well it sounds good to me!!

So What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a business model that’s super easy to understand.

  • Find a product from someone who’s already done the work to create something of high quality
  • Get a customer link to promote the product on their behalf
  • Keep a commission when you drive a sale to that product

It’s a win-win business model and I love it.

But where does ChatGPT come in?

Now, to make affiliate commissions, we need traffic.

So I’ll try my best to not sound techy but…

Traffic is the number of people you get to

  • click your affiliate link
  • check out the product you promote
  • and eventually buy the product
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Traffic is both a number’s and quality game.

That means

  • More traffic, most times equals more sales
  • But more quality traffic will have more impact, that I can guarantee.

Now there are two ways to drive traffic.

You can go the

  • Organic and free route
  • Or run paid ads instead

If you’re a beginner, it’s obvious what you should pick.

Organic traffic.

But on which platform?


  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

But there’s also Medium.

Which is in fact the platform I recommend.

  • It’s free
  • Well curated
  • Gets over 151.6 million visitors every single month
  • and has a longer content shelf life than most of the other platforms
Medium traffic insights by SimilarWeb

Now, Medium in itself is an amazing place to grow your audience to make passive income.

But here’s a combo that’s going to blow your mind.

Medium+ ChatGPT.

Yes, what if you could create Affiliate Marketing stories on Medium using ChatGPT.

I mean, that solves a lot of barriers.

  • No more writer’s block
  • More consistent stories
  • Which equals more money
Photo by Live Richer on Unsplash

Quick ChatGPT Disclaimer:

Now, Before I show you how to build a ChatGPT powered Affiliate Marketing business, here’s a quick Disclaimer.

No, I do not write my Medium stories with ChatGpt because I love writing.

But that might not be the case for you.

  • You might think you suck at writing
  • and that nobody would want to write anything you write (which is a lie by the way)

So just use ChatGPT instead.

Now, I’m not going to lie and tell you that the readers on Medium will appreciate your robotic and AI generated articles.

I’m only going to try my best to show you

  • How to write quality stories with chatGPT to an extent.
  • and how I grow my affiliate revenue using my Medium stories.

So if we’re clear on that, let’s get right into the golden nuggets of the day.

Photo by Zlaťáky.cz on Unsplash

How to Start our ChatGPT Powered Affiliate Marketing business

1. Pick a Niche

No, you can’t write about everything on a single page.

It’s chaotic.

Today, you want to talk about your career and tomorrow, it’s a story about a day in your life.

That’s super disorganized and only screams unprofessional.

Remember, before sales comes trust.

And to get people to trust us enough, we need to focus on the little details.

That includes your niche.

So pick one topic, just one.

  • The one you’re passionate about
  • But still has a good enough audience
  • and is quite monetizable

Because that’s the perfect niche.

Think of your

  • hobbies,
  • Job experiences,
  • skills
  • and life in general.

You will definitely come up with something

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

2. Find Affiliate Programs

Now I won’t even lie, this is the tough part.

Finding the perfect affiliate program is big hit or miss.

And I say this from my personal experience.

The only thing I ever knew about picking an Affiliate program was the obvious.

Pick a quality product you’ve used, trust and can vouch.

That’s pure ethics, isn’t it?

I knew there was more to the perfect affiliate program than just the quality because

  • If it was too expensive, my readers didn’t buy
  • If the product packaging looked shabby, they looked the other way
  • If it was way too complicated to use, boy did they skip!
  • and if it wasn’t just worth their needs, they didn’t even give it a second thought.
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

It’s crazy because I literally used to think that all I had to do to make affiliate commissions was

  • Pick a quality product
  • Talk about it as much as I could
  • and the money would come rolling

But I was definitely wrong.

In fact, I made it an experiment.

  • I literally wrote a dozen stories about a “high quality product” but only made pennies on those stories
  • Then I went ahead to write 1–3 stories about another product and made thousands of dollars.

It’s crazy I know but some affiliate products aren’t just worth promoting.

Now, I can’t really pinpoint why that is the case.

I can’t say if it’s just my audience preferences or a random hit or miss case scenario.

But right now, there’s only 2 affiliate products I promote that make the bulk of my affiliate revenue.

  • So it’s not about promoting random programs to make the most money.
  • It’s about finding a program that sticks with your audience and going all in with your marketing.

And Remember, your product has to be relevant to the niche you’ve chosen for your Medium page.

Photo by Walls.io on Unsplash

3. List Relevant Topics To Write About

Once you have our niche and affiliate program ready, the logical next step is to create your content schedule.

So what are you going to be writing about?

You need to understand that Affiliate Marketing is a business model that’s built on your ability to get people to buy.

So there’s no sugarcoating anything, you’re going to need to learn how to sell.


So let’s start with the basics: your content topic.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

If you didn’t know already, some stories will be better at promoting your affiliate product than others.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you were promoting a relationship eBook, which of these two stories do you think would do a better job with promoting the product

  • How I got my heart broken, glowed up and found my soulmate
  • 5 tips to make your relationship better

Mm…I guess you already know the answer.

Because stories that build connection and cause readers to feel a certain way are a lot more powerful for sales.


Because people buy based on their emotions and justify based on logic!!!

Once you can get your buyers to feel a certain way, you’re halfway through making the sale.

So remember that content schedule we were planning out,

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Focus on stories that spike a certain emotion (curiosity, desire, happiness, inspired, hopeful, you name it)

And if you can’t think of any of those ideas, well find them.

  • Find 10–20 writers in the niche you’ve chosen
  • Look at their best performing posts and make something better (remember don’t copy)

4. Write The Perfect Post

Now, perfect is a tough thing to say seeing that we’ll be using ChatGPT for this process.

Trust me, I’ve used ChatGPT and I know how the stories sound.

It’s so generic and the output is not impressive for so many reasons.

Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

First is because it goes against my Medium principle of simplicity.

The principle of simplicity is a writing principle I share in my Medium Income Playbook.

It talks about how many of my readers literally come back to my stories for more because of how

  • Simplistic
  • and easy to read my stories are.

To them, it’s a breath of fresh air.

Because think about it, Medium is not a place to show off your English degree and vocabulary.

It’s a place where people go to be entertained and educated.

So make it easy for them by writing like a human.

Not like some character straight out of a Williams Shakespeare book.

Photo by Matt Riches on Unsplash

But the real question is: how do you get chatGPT to write like a human.

Well I have my ways.

  • First, Ask ChatGPT for the outline for your story (use the titles you found from other creators)
ChatGPT Dashboard
  • Next, Ask ChatGPT to write a long version of each section of its outline (repeat for each section)
ChatGPT Dashboard

(I got this quality output after 3–4 attempts with tweaking the prompts)

And if you love how ChatGPT sounds in the screenshot, you can tweak and reuse my prompt.

Write the entire chapter in the (add section name), make it about (give all the details necessary)

Tell the story in first person using I and
Make it realistic like I was talking to a friend.

  • Finally, You Need to fact check the story ChatGPT generates and wherever you can, add your human touch to it.

Like I said, I don’t use ChatGPT for my stories on Medium.

But this is literally how I create emails and random documents when I’m racing against the clock.

5. Balance Quantity with Quality

How about we end today’s story with a sip of one of my Medium writing principles.

Photo by Eric Brehm on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard the saying: Quality over Quantity……

But that’s a logic that will never work on Medium.

Many writers obsess over writing the perfect post but end up messing with how much they show up.

They both matter.

On Medium, Quality doesn’t rule over quantity. Neither does Quantity over Quality.

My rule of thumb is simple.

  • Find a quality level that is easy to keep up with
  • So you can stay consistent enough to show the algorithm you’re one serious writer they should promote.

So in simple words,

  • the quality impresses your readers
  • while the quantity impresses the algorithm.


Because Medium is a subscription business and needs more stories to keep their business running.

If that makes any sense, try to play around with ChatGpt.

Photo by Levart_Photographer on Unsplash

Work towards improving the quality of every output it gives you.

That way, you can crank out more quality stories a lot faster.

How Much I Made with Affiliate Marketing on Medium?

Why do I know this strategy is going to work?

Because I’ve tried it.

I tried Affiliate Marketing on Medium and I can say, it works like Magic.

Now I only ever promote products that are useful and of high quality.

Yet so far, in just a month, I made from promoting a single affiliate program

Screenshot by Author

Keep in mind that this is just one of the few affiliate programs I share on Medium.

Also by writing on Medium consistently for just 5 months, I’ve been able to grow over 33k followers

Screenshot by Author

With over 273,462 views every month on my stories.

Screenshot by Author

And I can say from my personal experience that $2000 per month passively from Medium Affiliate Marketing is definitely achievable.


ChatGPT isn’t perfect.

But it’s improving everyday.

Now, am I saying you can write a perfect post without ChatGPT?

Far from that.

I’m just saying that for anyone who struggles with writer’s block and all, ChatGPT should be your go-to buddy.

Plus what could you possibly lose from trying out a free tool like ChatGPT with a side hustle that’s already proven to work?

Absolutely Nothing!

Now before you go, Remember how I mentioned growing over 33k Followers, with over 273,462 views every month.

Well, I wrote an entire book sharing exactly how I did it.

It’s called the Medium Income Playbook.

The Medium Income Playbook

In this ebook, I share my exact thought process behind

  • Finding endless profitable content ideas related to your specific topic
  • Creating click-worthy titles and viral headlines to capture readers' attention.
  • Creating engaging stories that convert readers into loyal subscribers and even buyers.
  • My writing principles (Quantity vs quality, KLT principle and the MVA principle)
  • And I’ll also share my personal experiences on how I managed to grow to over 31k followers (as I speak) on Medium in less than 5 months.

Literally everything you need to go from zero followers to making passive income as a writer is in the Medium Income Playbook.

So If you want to start your very own profitable Medium page,

Check out the steps I personally tried out and have now shared in the Medium Income playbook.

You can click here to Grab The Medium Income Playbook.



Paul Rose

I am Paul Rose. A Faith-Led 5-Figure writer with viable online business ideas to share: Book My Services here: hello@iampaulrose.online