I Found The Best Way To Make Money With AI

Paul Rose
6 min readSep 26, 2023


It’s So Simple Yet So Powerful.

What I want to do today, is show you what’s real and doable when you work with AI the right way.

Let me be crystal clear: the AI world is a jungle with countless ways to make money.

But the best way to make it big with AI is by talking about AI itself.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

I know it sounds crazy but bear with me for a moment.

AI has always been this big deal, but lately, it’s gone into overdrive. First, ChatGpt was launched and the internet went crazy.

Seven months down the road, and this trend is showing no signs of slowing down

Google trends of AI

You know, when there’s a gold rush, those who make the most money are not the Gold Diggers but those who sell the shovels and equipment.

It’s the same for this AI Goldrush.

The people who are making the most money with AI are those teaching and talking about AI.

Now that you’ve got the idea, let me lay out my plan to make this AI side hustle profitable.

Step 1: Learn Everything you can about AI

You don’t have to go far to find AI know-how. It’s all over the place, from YouTube to Medium and even your favorite social media platforms.

By following popular AI influencers and newsletters, you can 10x how fast you’ll start to grow your AI knowledge base.

Some of the best AI knowledge bases to follow include:

  • The Ai Advantage on YouTube
  • Adrian Twarog on YouTube
The AI Advantage

Step 2: Choose how you plan to monetize your AI knowledge

I kid you not when I say, AI opened doors to whole new opportunities to make money and I’m so eager just talking about it.

And the best part is you don’t even need to build a following on social Media to make this work.

Create and Sell AI Related ebooks on Amazon KDP.

I’m not talking about selling AI Generated coloring books and Activity books.

Nope, what I’m focusing on here are good old information-packed ebooks.

Books are one of the first lines of knowledge people turn to when they need to learn something new as quickly as possible.

And Amazon KDP is the largest eBook Marketplace in the world.

To give you an idea, Amazon gets around 2.5 billion visits per month.

Amazon Traffic Insights

With the hype already around AI, I can bet 100% that thousands of people will start turning to Amazon for books on how to use AI for all kinds of things.

There are already several books on this topic and on my first search, I found a book titled ChatGPT for Authors.

It already has 32 reviews and sells at a price of $12.99.

On average this single book has made for its owner.

You can make something similar for

  • Real Estate owners
  • Small business owners
  • YouTubers
  • Artists

The list goes on and on.

Amazon Suggest Bar

A quick search of Amazon shows that ChatGPT themed books are quite in demand on Amazon.

This goes to show how profitable this idea really is.

The best part is that you don’t even need to create the ebook yourself, AI tools like CHATGPT can do the entire work for you.

But there’s a Caveat. AI is not some magic wand that you get to wave for three Magic wishes.

The quality of content you get out of ChatGpt is highly dependent of the quality of prompts you feed it.

This is A typical example of Garbage in, Garbage out.

So take some time to learn how prompt writing works and make sure you perfect that skill before you even consider writing an entire book with AI.

Create and Sell a Course on Skillshare and Udemy.com

It’s funny how not enough people give credit to the money making potential in selling courses on Marketplaces.

If there’s anything you take out of this story, I hope it’s this.

The Only way to make money online is by providing value to a group of people.

The difference lies in how you find these people.

  • You could build an audience
  • You could run Ads
  • But the easiest way is by starting with Marketplaces.

These marketplaces have done the entire work for you and have built an audience of potential buyers actively searching for a product like what you have to offer.

So if you’re looking to make your first dollar online, I highly recommend starting out with Marketplaces.

That said, Udemy was one of the first marketplaces I sold on, and I loved every bit of the platform.

Here’s a screenshot of a payout I received from Udemy.

Screenshot by Author

Udemy gets over 113.1 Million visitors per month.

All these people are active learners looking for different online courses to learn something new.

Why this is Different from the Traditional Courses you see?

Now, courses have had their fair share of criticism over the years.

And anyone who dares to sell their own course often gets labeled as a "GURU."

But let’s not dwell on why that might be old-school thinking because that’s a story for another time.

Selling courses on Udemy is quite different.

  • The courses sell for super affordable prices
  • and the community on Udemy are completely open to the idea of being paid to share your knowledge.

So unlike traditional course selling, selling on Udemy and skillshare is much more beginner friendly as you don’t even have to market the courses yourself.

Now, I know what’s on your head right now!

  • But I don’t have a fancy filming setup
  • I don’t have the crispest of mics
  • I’m not qualified to teach people how to use AI
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Well, here are the answers you need:

  • You don’t need a Fancy filming setup, A simple webcam or Screen recording phone app is more than enough.
  • Nowadays, Iphone airpods are super crisp and can help you produce high quality sound.
  • You don’t need to be an expert to teach online, you just need to be one step ahead of the people you want to teach and that’s more than okay.

Udemy and Skillshare are completely free to sign up for and no special approval is needed.

Several course sellers are making a living selling their knowledge and you can as well.


Look, I want you to understand one thing – this is something you can absolutely do.

And who knows, if you give it a shot, you might just make it work.

So, cut out the overthinking and start sharing your knowledge with the world. (Once you’ve got the hang of AI, of course!)

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Paul Rose

I am Paul Rose. A Faith-Led 5-Figure writer with viable online business ideas to share: Book My Services here: hello@iampaulrose.online