I Tried WarriorPlus Affiliate Marketing for 7 Days

Paul Rose
7 min readNov 20, 2023


With just with one story on Medium

Just recently, I wrote a story about how I tried Affiliate Marketing on Medium and got 225 affiliate sign ups with a $150 bonus for my hardwork.

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Today, I want to share a challenge I recently tried with my Medium page.

It was an Affiliate Marketing challenge but this one only lasted 7 Days.

Now, while I was excited to see how much I could make through Affiliate Marketing on Medium in just 7 days,

I knew there was no time within these 7 days to build a new Medium page.

But I really wanted this challenge to be without any unfair advantage.

So I decided to make this Affiliate Marketing challenge a lot harder.

So this was this new plan:

I was going to

  • write just one story on my Medium page
  • Promote a high quality affiliate product
  • And see how much money that story would make me within 7 Days.

Now, that sounded a lot more like a real challenge and I was ready to get to work.

Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash

Step 1: Picking a High Quality program

First, I had to pick the program I was going to be promoting to my audience.

And I took that decision seriously.

I didn’t want to promote something just for the money – it had to be

  • Of a very high quality with a lot of good reviews
  • A product I could vouch for confidently
  • And a product that was reasonably priced and affordable for my readers.

Asides these essentials, I also needed to choose a product

  • That was relevant to my readers
  • And was in demand

So after long hours spent on finding that perfect product, I finally knew what it was going to be.

I was going to be promoting a high quality AI training that made a lot of sense for my readers.

It was like a match made in heaven.

So I sent the product creator an email through warriorplus and he was happy to have me become an affiliate for his training.

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I was also able to have a preview of the course to see how well it was going to serve my readers.

By the way, he also sends his regards to my readers (just had to chirp that in!)

Now, I know things might be a bit confusing, so let me clarify.

What is Warriorplus?

Warriorplus is an affiliate marketplace with thousands of products from different creators.

It’s free to sign up for and offers a way for beginners to promote products for these vendors.

Signing up is easy and you can think of Warriorplus, an Amazon marketplace specifically for digital products.

Warriorplus Home Page

Step 2: Writing the story

It had to be a masterpiece.

If I was going to entrust the fate of this challenge to just one story, it had to be exceptional.

So I kicked off the process of writing that perfect story.

First, I had to choose what the story was going to be about

From my experience, if you want more people to check out your affiliate link on Medium, just share valuable stories first—there’s no hard selling needed!

So here comes the law of value:

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

To make money with Affiliate Marketing, you need to give so much value that your readers feel like they owe you.

Now, I’m not talking about using shameless manipulative methods.

No, I’m talking about pure value that speaks for itself.

Because think about it, Why would anyone choose to buy based on your recommendation instead of finding it directly from the seller, so they don’t feel like they’re being sold to.

Well, it’s the value you give.

Yes, you can give so much value that it almost feels unfair if they don’t make the purchase through your link.

It’s like sending a virtual thank you, except this time, it’s in the form of money.

Photo by Vladimir Solomianyi on Unsplash

Now, after so much thought, I chose the perfect topic.

It was going to be about an AI side hustle that I knew for sure was in demand.

It made so much sense since I was going to be promoting an AI training course.

Next, I had to write the story

It was time to apply all the knowledge I had gained throughout my three months on Medium.

Like you guys know, I started writing on Medium on the 7th of August.

Fast forward to November 20, 2023, and I’ve reached 15k followers in just the space of 3 months.

Screenshot by Author

Plus, I’m genuinely thankful for the substantial viewership my stories receive—reaching an impressive 236,586 views each month.

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That’s more than I ever got blogging on my personal blog for 2 years.

Now, while my fast growth on Medium might seem like pure luck, I beg to differ.

I’m not trying to brag, but a lot of thought goes into every one of my stories."

  • The title
  • The hook, structure, tags and Call to action
  • And even the images I use in my posts

So you can say, my luck is the product of a perfect strategy and the right platform.

And for some reason, nobody’s really talking about how awesome Medium is, because seriously, my life has totally changed since I started writing here.

  • I can start a newsletter and it’ll grow
  • I’ve even started to get sponsorships deals
  • And my digital and Affiliate products sell like crazy

It’s so crazy how much can change within such a short time, when you pick the right idea on a platform like Medium.

So back to the challenge, once I had written what felt like the perfect story for my readers.

I hit publish and the story was live on my page.

Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

How Much I Made During This Challenge?

The first few hours were nerve-wracking.

It was a fairly new concept to my readers and I understood why the post didn’t go viral as quickly as I expected.

But then it happened, the next day was insane.

The story started to get hundreds of claps and I began to feel more confident that the challenge was going to go well.

Although it’s now the seventh day of this challenge and I had to update you all because the results are remarkable.

Because from that single article, I made $284.80 in just 7 Days.

Just from one story I wrote on Medium.

Screenshot by Author

It may sound unbelievable, but it’s the truth.

Medium is a powerhouse, and the sooner you start your page, the better.

  • The readers here are so awesome
  • The traffic is to die for
  • And the community here is heartwarming.

So here’s your challenge. Start your medium page and let it run for 30 days.

  • Post high quality stories, making sure there’s always top tier value for your readers
  • Stay super consistent so the algorithm sees you as a serious writer
  • Above all, put your readers first and fight to win their trust

And that’s how you grow a high quality Medium following.

Now, I understand that the concept of quality is subjective, making it challenging to grasp the thought process behind creating Medium stories that go viral.

But I’m here to help.

I’m ready to let you in on my secrets for writing high quality stories on Medium.

In fact, I wrote an entire book sharing exactly how I grew my passive income business on Medium.

It’s called the Medium Income Playbook.

The Medium Income Playbook

In this ebook, I share my exact thought process behind

  • Finding endless profitable content ideas related to your specific topic
  • Creating click-worthy titles and viral headlines to capture readers' attention.
  • Creating engaging stories that convert readers into loyal subscribers and even buyers.
  • My writing principles (Quantity vs quality, KLT principle and the MVA principle)
  • And I’ll also share my personal experiences on how I managed to grow to over 23k followers (as I speak) on Medium in less than 4 months.

Literally everything you need to go from zero followers to making passive income as a writer is in the Medium Income Playbook.

So If you want to start your very own profitable Medium page,

Check out the steps I personally tried out and have now shared in the Medium Income Hustle playbook.

You can click here to Grab The Medium Income Playbook.



Paul Rose

I am Paul Rose. A Faith-Led 5-Figure writer with viable online business ideas to share: Book My Services here: hello@iampaulrose.online