Sex Positive Women with a Passion for Pleasure

Sex-positive conversations challenge shame-based conditioning and the commodification of pleasure.

Sarah Lauren


Growing up, I learned it’s best to avoid all talk of these things. This belief persisted until I realized that avoiding the subject causes more harm than good.

Ignorance can be a form of passivity toward a type of sexual enslavement that people don’t even know they’re part of.

We all have post-COVID stories about life-changing epiphanies that catalyzed major shifts in perspective. I wrote a book about my experience with human trafficking and how I found peace after a series of spiritual breakthroughs.

Ever since, I’ve followed my intuitive guidance one step at a time, researching and writing about the most groundbreaking ways people are eradicating sexual slavery. Acting on my inspiration, despite my quiet nature and shyness, was a BIG change.

Desiring to clear any lingering victim narratives within me, I found opportunities to upgrade my nervous system through integration. Listening to thought leaders in human sexuality share their knowledge allowed me to sense that pleasure might be the doorway to freedom.

Shame surrounding our primal sexuality pours gasoline on the raging fire of exploitation that at least 6.3 million people still face.

Every day, new people show up to rewrite the stories we have adopted from a…

