Ensuring Security and Privacy in NLP Models like ChatGPT and Google BERT

Showkath Naseem
10 min readMar 6, 2023



Machine learning models like ChatGPT and Google BERT have become widely used in natural language processing (NLP) applications, including chatbots and virtual assistants. However, with the growing use of these models comes the need to ensure data privacy and security compliance, especially when sensitive information is involved.

In this blog post, I will discuss some of the best practices that developers and companies should follow when working with NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT.

Tool & API Documentation URL’s :

Machine Learning ,NLP ,ChatGPT, Google Bert :Best practices, data privacy and security compliance measures, and guidelines

Avoid Submitting Personal Information:

Users should be cautious when submitting personal information to Chat GPT .When submitting a question, users should avoid including any personal information that could be used to identify them or someone else. This includes names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, Social security number ,Passport number, Credit card number , Bank account number, IP address,Customer number and any other personal details.

For example you also should avoid submitting any sensitive personal information such as financial information or healthcare data.

As an illustration, while customers and developers can utilize ChatGPT at their own discretion, it’s important to note that sharing personal information, such as ask Chat GPT writing an email with Customer Business Data, can carry potential risks in countries that adhere to GDPR and DPP policies.

Expert tips and best practices for safe and responsible usage of ChatGPT: Safeguarding your data and avoiding GDPR and security issues

Do not create accounts with Corporate credentials (For example : john.doe@sap.com , jane.doe@oracle.com)

Do not use ChatGPT for business purposes & contact your Corporate Compliance Team on the usage of any tool , software.

Do not enter sensitive, confidential customer data or personal data in the tool.

Do not use the outcome generated by the tool for business purposes (source code or other data).

Do not enter your company source code in the tool & Do not copy generated source code , output for your company business purpose.

Also be aware that OpenAI reserves the right to use any data submitted to the service for product improvement purposes.

By incorporating below security and privacy measures into their use of NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT, companies can help protect their customers’ data and build trust with their audience,can maximize the value and impact of NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT while minimizing the risks and potential negative consequences associated with their use.

1.Compliance with Regulations:

Developers must ensure that their use of NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT must comply with various regulations and standards related to data privacy and security, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To ensure compliance, companies can implement policies and guidelines that align with these regulations, conduct regular audits and assessments, and establish clear lines of accountability for data privacy and security.

Example : Adhere to your company , country GDPR, Secuirty policies.

SAP Data protection and privacy guidelines

Now ChatGPT is available in preview in Azure OpenAI Service.

Refer Azure OpenAI Service Data, privacy, and security details

How to Configure Azure OpenAI Service with Managed Identities

2.Ensuring Data Security:

NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT often require large amounts of data to be trained effectively. However, this data can be vulnerable to cyber attacks and breaches if not properly secured. To ensure the security of their data, companies can implement encryption and access control measures that limit who can access and modify the data. They can also monitor their systems for any suspicious activity and regularly update their security protocols to stay ahead of potential threats.

3.Handling Sensitive Data:

NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT may be trained on data that contains sensitive information, such as personal identifiable information (PII) or financial data. To ensure the privacy and security of this data, companies can implement data handling policies that limit access to sensitive data and restrict its use to only authorized purposes. They can also incorporate anonymization techniques, such as data masking or hashing, to prevent the exposure of sensitive information.

4.User Consent and Control:

NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT may be used to process user data, such as chat logs or search queries. To ensure user privacy and control, companies can implement policies and features that allow users to control the collection and use of their data. For example, they can provide users with clear and concise consent forms that explain how their data will be used, or they can provide features that allow users to delete or modify their data at any time.

5.Collaboration and Governance:

NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT often require collaboration and governance across multiple teams and stakeholders, such as data scientists, engineers, and business analysts. To enable effective collaboration and governance, companies can implement policies and tools that promote transparency, accountability, and communication across teams. They can also establish clear lines of authority and decision-making to ensure that data privacy and security are prioritized throughout the development and deployment of NLP models.

6.Reducing Bias in NLP Models:

NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT have the potential to perpetuate bias if not properly trained and tested. For example, if a model is trained on a dataset that is not diverse or inclusive, it may not accurately represent the language and experiences of all users. To mitigate this risk, companies can implement data collection and processing methods that ensure diversity and inclusivity in their datasets. Additionally, they can conduct regular testing and auditing of their models to identify and address any biases that may arise.

7.Transparency and Explainability:

NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT can be complex and difficult to understand, making it challenging for users to trust and interpret their outputs. To address this challenge, companies can implement transparency and explainability measures that provide users with insight into how the models work and how their outputs are generated. For example, they can provide documentation that explains the model’s architecture and training process, or they can incorporate interpretability techniques that allow users to understand why a particular output was generated. By providing users with transparency and explainability, companies can build trust and improve the user experience.

8.Use Explainability Techniques to Enhance User Trust:

Developers should use explainability techniques such as attention maps, saliency maps, or LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations) to enhance user trust and understanding of the NLP model’s decisions. For example, if the NLP model is used for sentiment analysis, an attention map can be used to show which parts of the text were most influential in determining the sentiment.

9.Use Appropriate Data Pre-processing Techniques:

Data pre-processing refers to the steps that are taken to prepare data for analysis by a machine learning model, such as ChatGPT or Google BERT. These techniques are used to clean and transform the data into a format that can be easily understood and processed by the model.

Developers should use appropriate data pre-processing techniques to clean and prepare the training data before feeding it into the NLP model. For example, they may need to remove noise, handle special characters, tokenize the text, or apply stemming/lemmatization techniques to reduce the dimensionality of the input data.

Example homograph attacks or Unicode attack an attacker may use characters from different character sets or scripts to create a fake domain name, username, or other text input that appears to be legitimate but is actually a different entity. For example, an attacker may use the Cyrillic letter “а” (U+0430) instead of the Latin letter “a” (U+0061) in a domain name or email address, creating a visual similarity that can be difficult for users to detect.

Text normalization can help mitigate the risk of homograph attacks by standardizing the way that text data is represented. This can involve techniques such as converting all text to lowercase, removing diacritics (accent marks) from characters, or converting characters from different scripts or character sets to a common representation. By normalizing text data in this way, security systems can more effectively detect and block potential homograph attacks.

Here are some examples of appropriate data pre-processing techniques that can be used with ChatGPT and Google BERT.

  1. Tokenization: Breaking down text into smaller units such as words or subwords.
  2. Text cleaning: Removing punctuation, stop words, and other irrelevant information from text data.
  3. Normalization: Standardizing the data by converting it to a common format or scale.
  4. Encoding: Converting categorical variables into numerical values that can be understood by the model.
  5. Padding and truncation: Ensuring that input sequences are of a consistent length by either adding padding tokens or truncating the sequence.

You can read more about “Data Pre-processing Techniques for Machine Learning Models: A Guide for NLP Practitioners

You can find sample code for data pre-processing techniques for ChatGPT and Google BERT in various online resources, including the official documentation and GitHub repositories. Here are a few examples:

  1. Hugging Face Transformers: Hugging Face is a popular library for working with transformers, including ChatGPT and Google BERT. Their GitHub repository includes examples of data pre-processing for various NLP tasks, including text classification, question answering, and language modeling.
  2. TensorFlow Hub: TensorFlow Hub provides a collection of pre-trained machine learning models, including ChatGPT and Google BERT. Their documentation includes sample code for data pre-processing for these models using TensorFlow.
  3. Keras: Keras is a popular machine learning library that provides a high-level API for building and training models. Their documentation includes examples of data pre-processing for NLP tasks using Keras and TensorFlow.
  4. PyTorch: PyTorch is another popular machine learning library that provides a flexible and efficient platform for building and training models. Their documentation includes examples of data pre-processing for NLP tasks using PyTorch and transformers.

These are just a few examples of the many resources available for learning about data pre-processing techniques for ChatGPT and Google BERT. Depending on your specific needs, you may also find helpful examples and tutorials on blogs, forums, and other online communities.

By using appropriate data pre-processing techniques like these, developers can ensure that ChatGPT and Google BERT are working with high-quality input data that has been optimized for the specific requirements of these NLP models. Developers can optimize the input data for ChatGPT and Google BERT to improve their performance and accuracy on a wide range of NLP tasks.

Regularly Evaluate and Monitor Model Performance: Developers should regularly evaluate and monitor the performance of the NLP model to ensure that it continues to meet the desired level of accuracy and effectiveness. This may involve conducting regular testing and evaluation on a subset of the training data, or monitoring the model’s performance in real-time on live chatbot interactions.

  • Data collection: The quality and quantity of the data used to train the model can greatly affect its performance. It’s important to ensure that the data is representative of the problem being solved and that there is enough data to train the model effectively.
  • Model selection: Different machine learning models have different strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to select the appropriate model for the task at hand. ChatGPT and Google BERT are both popular language models, but they may not be the best choice for all NLP tasks.
  • Hyperparameter tuning: Machine learning models have several hyperparameters that can be adjusted to improve their performance. Finding the optimal set of hyperparameters can greatly improve the accuracy of the model.
  • Evaluation metrics: It’s important to use appropriate evaluation metrics to measure the performance of the model. Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score are commonly used metrics for classification tasks, while perplexity and BLEU score are commonly used metrics for language modeling tasks.
  • Model interpretation: Understanding how the model is making its predictions can be important for identifying potential biases or errors. Techniques like feature importance analysis and model visualization can help with model interpretation.

By incorporating these and other best practices related to security compliance, data privacy, and guidelines, companies can leverage the power of NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT while ensuring the privacy, security, and trust of their users.

Few Tips that Users, developers and companies should follow when working with NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations related to data privacy and security.
  • Protect sensitive information by implementing data privacy policies and guidelines.
  • Use techniques like data masking or tokenization to replace sensitive information with placeholders or tokens.
  • Users should be cautious when submitting personal information to ChatGPT and avoid entering any sensitive personal information.
  • Do not use ChatGPT for business purposes or submit sensitive, confidential customer data or personal data in the tool.
  • Use appropriate data pre-processing techniques to optimize the input data for ChatGPT and Google BERT.
  • Regularly evaluate and monitor the performance of the NLP model to ensure that it continues to meet the desired level of accuracy and effectiveness.
  • Collaborate with corporate compliance teams to ensure adherence to corporate policies and guidelines.


To ensure the privacy, security, and trust of their users, companies must implement appropriate measures when working with NLP models like ChatGPT and Google BERT. These measures include complying with regulations related to data privacy and security, protecting sensitive information, avoiding submitting personal information, using appropriate data pre-processing techniques, and regularly evaluating and monitoring model performance. By following these best practices, companies can maximize the value and impact of NLP models while minimizing the risks and potential negative consequences associated with their use.

If you found this blog post helpful, you may want to check out my comprehensive guide on NLP security and privacy, which provides more detailed information and insights on this topic here.

The Essential ,Comprehensive Compliance Guide to Securing User Data ,Data Privacy Policies and Guidelines, Role of Security in Chat GPT, Google Bert

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Showkath Naseem

IT Professional with Expertise in SAP Cloud Technologies, Full Stack Development, Architect , Technical Evangelism,QA & Technical Writing. Focus on SAP BTP