[Blog Post] SAP BTP for Sales Teams

Showkath Naseem
13 min readFeb 24, 2023


Hello readers!

I am excited to share my blog post on SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) with you today.

In the main blog post, I have shared brief summary of SAP BTP.

The first part of Blog Series will be aimed at sales teams, focusing on how to effectively sell SAP BTP to customers.

The second part will be geared towards individuals & emphasizes the value of SAP BTP for different roles within an organization

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Thank you for your support and for taking the time to read my blog post on SAP BTP.

As a sales professional, you are constantly seeking ways to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, and drive business growth. One way to achieve these goals is by introducing your customers to SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP).

In this blog post, I will provide an overview of SAP BTP and explain why it is relevant to your customers. Then I will also discuss the key benefits of SAP BTP that can help you to effectively sell it to your customers.

SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) is a unified, cloud-based platform that allows customers to develop, integrate, and extend their business applications, processes, and services. With SAP BTP, customers can build new applications, integrate existing systems and services, and extend the capabilities of their existing applications.

SAP BTP provides a range of cloud-based services and tools including database services, analytics services, integration services, and development tools, that enable users to build, run, and manage enterprise applications and extensions in the cloud.

You find all available services, solutions, and use cases in the SAP Discovery Center.

Why is SAP BTP Relevant to Your Customers?

SAP BTP is relevant to your customers because it can help them to accelerate their digital transformation initiatives. By leveraging the power of SAP BTP, customers can gain greater agility, flexibility, and innovation capabilities, and drive growth.

SAP BTP can help customers to address a wide range of business challenges, from accelerating innovation to improving customer experience, and from optimizing operations to enhancing security and compliance. With SAP BTP, customers can build, integrate, and extend SAP-based applications and services quickly and in a more efficient and streamlined way.

Key Benefits of SAP BTP

There are several key benefits of SAP BTP that you can highlight to your customers.Here are some key points that a sales person could emphasize when communicating the benefits of SAP BTP to customers:

  1. Greater agility and flexibility: With SAP BTP, customers can rapidly build, integrate, and extend applications and services to meet changing business needs.SAP BTP provides businesses with the flexibility and scalability they need to respond quickly to changing market conditions and customer needs. By providing a range of cloud-based services and tools, businesses can quickly and easily scale their operations up or down as needed, without having to invest in costly IT infrastructure.Scalability : SAP BTP is designed to be highly scalable, which means that it can easily grow and adapt to meet the changing needs of businesses. Whether a business needs to scale up or down, SAP BTP provides the flexibility and resources to support their growth and expansion.
  2. Improved business processes: SAP BTP can help businesses streamline their operations and improve their business processes by providing a range of cloud-based services and tools, including database services, analytics services, integration services, and development tools. These services can help businesses to automate their processes, improve data visibility, and optimize their operations.
  3. By automating routine tasks and workflows, businesses can reduce errors, minimize manual effort, and free up staff to focus on higher-value activities.
  4. Easy integration: SAP BTP offers integration capabilities that enable businesses to connect and integrate their existing systems and applications with other systems and services. This helps to improve data visibility, streamline business operations, and create a more connected and efficient IT infrastructure.
  5. Digital transformation: SAP BTP can help businesses to achieve their digital transformation goals by providing a range of advanced technologies, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT), that can help businesses to innovate and stay ahead of the competition. By leveraging these technologies, businesses can improve customer experiences, optimize operations, and enhance security and compliance.
  6. Data-driven insights: SAP BTP provides advanced analytics and data management capabilities, which can help organizations gain valuable insights into their business operations and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging the power of data analytics, businesses can optimize their operations, improve their decision-making, and drive greater value for their customers.
  7. Increased productivity: By providing a unified and integrated environment, SAP BTP can help businesses increase productivity by allowing developers, partners, and customers to build, extend, and integrate applications and services more quickly and efficiently. This can help businesses to bring new products and services to market more quickly and respond more effectively to changing customer needs.
  8. Greater innovation: SAP BTP provides businesses with a range of advanced tools and services, which can help them to experiment with new ideas and to innovate more effectively. By providing a platform for rapid prototyping and experimentation, businesses can quickly test new ideas and bring innovative products and services to market more quickly.
  9. Improved customer experience: SAP BTP enables businesses to create custom solutions that are tailored to their specific needs, which can help to improve the overall customer experience and increase customer satisfaction. By providing more personalized and engaging experiences for their customers, businesses can build stronger relationships and drive greater loyalty.
  10. Enhanced security and compliance: SAP BTP provides a range of
  11. advanced security and compliance features, which help to protect their data and systems from cyber threats and to comply with regulations, regulatory requirements. This can help businesses to reduce their risk and improve their overall security posture, keep their data and systems safe and secure.These features include encryption, identity and access management, and compliance with industry-specific regulations and standards.
  12. Reduced costs: SAP BTP is a consumption-based, subscription-based platform that enables customers to pay only for the services and resources they use so
  13. This can help to reduce their total cost of ownership and provide greater financial flexibility, as businesses only pay for what they need.
  14. Cost savings: SAP BTP can help businesses reduce costs by providing a cloud-based platform for building, running, and managing enterprise applications and extensions. By leveraging cloud technology, businesses can reduce their IT infrastructure costs and pay only for the services they use, which can result in significant cost savings.
  15. Global ecosystem: SAP BTP provides businesses with access to a global ecosystem of partners, developers, and customers, which can help to facilitate collaboration ,learn and knowledge sharing.

By tapping into this network, businesses can access new ideas and share best practices, and build stronger relationships with key stakeholders.This can enable businesses to accelerate their digital transformation journey and gain valuable insights and resources from a community of peers.

Overall, the key message for customers is that SAP BTP can help them to achieve their digital transformation goals by providing a powerful and flexible platform for building, running, and managing enterprise applications and extensions in the cloud. By leveraging the power of SAP BTP, businesses can reduce costs, improve business processes, increase productivity, and compete more effectively in today’s marketplace.This can help businesses to accelerate their time-to-market and respond more quickly to changing customer needs and market demands.

SAP BTP offers Flexible Deployment with Hyper Scaler Vendor-Lock-in Free Support and Seamless Integration

I also would like to highlighting below benefits, so that sales professionals can effectively communicate the value of SAP BTP to potential customers,SAP BTP supports deployment across multiple cloud providers, allowing organizations to take advantage of different cloud platforms and services as needed. This multi-cloud support provides greater flexibility and avoids vendor lock-in, enabling businesses to select the best cloud provider for each application and workload.This can help them optimize infrastructure, reduce costs, and improve decision-making.

  1. Flexible deployment options: SAP BTP offers public, private, and hybrid cloud options, so businesses can choose the option that best meets their needs. This helps optimize infrastructure and reduce costs.
  2. Seamless integration: SAP BTP provides integration services and tools that enable businesses to connect and integrate their systems and applications, improving data visibility and streamlining business processes. This allows businesses to gain a more complete view of their operations and make better-informed decisions.
  3. Regional availability: Businesses can deploy their applications in different regions, each representing a geographical location such as Europe or US East where applications, data, or services are hosted. Regions are provided by SAP or by our Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) partners partners including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud. This helps businesses optimize their infrastructure and reduce costs.Third-party region providers operate the infrastructure layer of the regions, while SAP operates the platform layer and BTP Cloud Foundry. This can further help businesses to optimize their infrastructure and reduce costs.

For a complete overview of the availability of services in the different regions, see SAP Discovery Services Information published on SAP site.


For more information, see


Multi-cloud support: SAP BTP offers the flexibility to deploy applications and services across multiple cloud providers , including public, private, and hybrid clouds.

SAP BTP (Business Technology Platform) supports multiple cloud vendors, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and many others.

This allows businesses to choose the cloud infrastructure ,environment and services that best meet their needs , while also avoiding vendor lock-in, can take advantage of different cloud platforms and services as needed.The flexibility to use multiple cloud vendors has several benefits for businesses using the platform. For example:

  • Best-of-Breed Solutions: Using multiple cloud vendors allows businesses to take advantage of the best-of-breed solutions offered by each vendor, rather than being limited to a single vendor’s offerings.
  • Distributed Architecture: SAP BTP supports a distributed architecture, which means that applications and services can be deployed across multiple locations, including on-premises, cloud, and edge environments. This enables businesses to optimize their infrastructure for performance, reliability, and cost.
  • Vendor Flexibility: With SAP BTP, businesses can choose from a wide range of vendors for their cloud infrastructure, software, and services. This provides greater flexibility in terms of cost, functionality, and vendor support.
  • Avoiding Vendor Lock-in: Using multiple cloud vendors allows businesses to avoid vendor lock-in, which can limit their flexibility and increase costs over time.
  • Open-Source Support: SAP BTP supports open-source technologies, including Kubernetes, Docker, and Cloud Foundry. This allows businesses to take advantage of the innovation and collaboration of the open-source community, while also leveraging the security, reliability, and scalability of SAP BTP.
  • Adopt Services from other Open Source & Third Party: SAP BTP offers a marketplace of services and solutions from other open source and third-party providers, which allows businesses to quickly and easily add new capabilities to their applications.
  • Resilience and Redundancy: By spreading workloads across multiple cloud vendors, businesses can improve their resilience and redundancy, reducing the risk of downtime or data loss.
  • Easily Switch to Other Technologies: SAP BTP allows businesses to easily switch to other technologies as their needs change. This provides the flexibility to adopt new technologies and solutions without disrupting existing systems and processes.

In summary, SAP BTP with multi-cloud support, distributed architecture, vendor flexibility, open-source support, adopt services from other open source & third party, and easily switch to other technologies offers businesses the flexibility, scalability, and innovation they need to succeed in today’s digital economy.’

Pricing Model

SAP BTP provides different types of global accounts, enterprise and trial. The type you choose determines pricing, conditions of use, resources, available services, and hosts.

Free Accounts

Choose the free offering for SAP BTP that fits your needs. Pay-As-You-Go and CPEA accounts with free tier service plans are suitable for testing scenarios with the option to upgrade to paid plans. Enterprise accounts with free tier plans can be self-registered. Trial accounts are for personal exploration and limited to 90 days. Always Free services come with your overall SAP BTP contract, while Free Tier services are free but not subject to SLAs. Remember to extend your trial account every 30 days, or it will be suspended, and it will be deleted automatically after 90 days.

If you want to start out using services for free, you can create a personal enterprise account and only use free tier service plans: The major benefit of using such an account for exploration purposes is that you can upgrade your services to productive use without losing any of your data. Check out the Free Tier Services in SAP Discovery Center and learn the details about Using Free Service Plans in your enterprise account.

Another way to start out using services for free is to create a trial account. But keep in mind that when you want to use your global account productively, there’s no way to migrate your data from the trial account to a productive enterprise account. For more information, see Trial Accounts and Free Tier.

You can self-register for an enterprise account with free tier service plans. For more information, see Get an Account on SAP BTP to Try Out Free Tier Service Plans.

Read More Here : Trial Accounts and Free Tier

Enterprise accounts for Customers , SAP Partners

Enterprise accounts are usually associated with SAP customer or partner contracts and contain their purchased entitlements to platform resources and services.

SAP BTP offers two different commercial models for enterprise accounts.

A global account that enables you to host productive, business-critical applications with 24/7 support.You can purchase a global account just like any other SAP software. You can upgrade and refine your resources later on. You can also contact your SAP sales representative and opt for a configuration, tailored to your needs.

Read More here : How to get Enterprise Accounts

For more information about SAP Integration Suite and SAP Extension Suite pricing, see https://www.sap.com/products/extension-suite/pricing.html and https://www.sap.com/products/integration-suite/pricing.html.

Customers : Contact us on SAP BTP or via an SAP sales representative.

Partners : To join the partner program, sign up for SAP Partner Edge — Build

If you’re located in China and want to buy a global account onSAP BTP you need to contact an SAP sales representative: https://www.sap.cn/registration/contact.html.

SAP partners can find additional information about Pay-As-You-Go for SAP BTP with free tier service plans on the SAP Partner Portal.

Estimator Tool | SAP Business Technology Platform

View and add SAP Business Technology Platform services to this estimator tool to see an estimated price.



In conclusion, SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) is a unified, cloud-based platform that allows customers to develop, integrate, and extend their business applications, processes, and services. With SAP BTP, customers can accelerate their digital transformation initiatives, gain greater agility and flexibility, increase innovation capabilities, and drive growth.

As a sales professional, you can effectively sell SAP BTP to your customers by highlighting its key benefits, such as greater agility, increased innovation, improved customer experience, improving operational efficiency,reduced costs, and enhanced security and compliance. By doing so, you can help your customers to improve their business processes, increase productivity, and drive business growth.

Aside from Salespersons, the next audience that may need to understand SAP BTP are individuals involved in the decision-making process of an organization’s technology strategy. This may include IT managers, CIOs, technology executives, and other stakeholders who are responsible for evaluating and selecting technology solutions that align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

In addition, developers and technical professionals who are involved in the development, integration, and extension of enterprise applications and services may also need to understand SAP BTP. This includes individuals who are responsible for developing custom applications and services or integrating existing applications and services within an organization’s technology landscape.

Furthermore, business analysts and functional consultants who are responsible for understanding business requirements, defining business processes, and designing solutions that address business challenges may also benefit from understanding SAP BTP. They can leverage the platform’s capabilities to build, integrate, and extend applications and services that align with the organization’s business needs.

Here is a link for such professionals:


Overall, anyone involved in an organization’s technology strategy, application development, or business process optimization may benefit from understanding SAP BTP and how it can help organizations accelerate their digital transformation initiatives.

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Showkath Naseem

IT Professional with Expertise in SAP Cloud Technologies, Full Stack Development, Architect , Technical Evangelism,QA & Technical Writing. Focus on SAP BTP