How To Choose The Right Bouquet Of The Bride

Sohail Ilyas Ch.
3 min readAug 6, 2018


Wedding Planner

A wedding Planner is for many is a nervous and troublesome event. Nearly a year is prepared for him. You need to choose a wedding dress, a place for a banquet, etc. — it takes a long time, but do not forget about the choice of a bouquet for the bride.And Don’t Worry About All Because We are The Best Event Management Company.

How to choose the right bouquet?

The first and main rule , the bouquet should complement the image of the bride, but not stand out. Flowers of the bride, as a rule, have an association with innocence and purity, tenderness and romance. Therefore, do not add to the bouquets of lilies. Such flowers represent sadness and sadness.
Many have the same attitude towards carnations. However, there are so many types of carnations that the flower can not even be recognized in the bouquet.

If you are not sure about the choice of a bouquet, then find the florist in the Catalog of our portal (in the menu at the top of the page). You will be provided with a consultation and show a catalog of ready-made products or they will collect any bouquet for you individually.

The second rule is not to add flowers with sharp smells, because of them the bride may have a headache or in the worst cases she may have allergies to them. Accurately add to the bouquet of medicinal herbs, although it’s beautiful and original.

Types of bouquets of the bride

The dream of many brides is a bouquet that resembles a waterfall (a cascade bouquet). Here, florists use imagination, and the bouquet can reach a length of a meter.

Such a bouquet looks very nice in the photo. But remember that the florist who will make this masterpiece must be creative and quite experienced in its business. Also do not forget about the bouquet of a double for a throw at the wedding.

Also, many guests cause “wow” emotions bouquets in the form of baskets. This type is very suitable for a young, young bride. A bouquet of a bride in a basket can be part of the composition on the table of the newlyweds, they will serve the whole celebration and will last longer than usual.



Sohail Ilyas Ch.

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