Integral horizontal blinds: between the past and the future

Sohail Ilyas Ch.
5 min readAug 4, 2018


New Look Internal Blinds

Integral horizontal blinds have firmly entered our life as popular solar protection systems, and if we can thoroughly tell about modern systems, then few know about their past or future. The WINDOW MEDIA portal proposes to extend the llamas and shed light on the blinds from all sides. Interior or internal blinds are used mainly to control the arrival of solar heat and light inside the room. They also play a decorative role and help to hide the interior from prying eyes, without the need to reduce the amount of light. But few people know that in addition to these basic functions, electric blinds can also be used to control the internal temperature or to simulate the presence of property owners. From the history of horizontal blinds

From the history of horizontal blinds

History of Integral Blinds

need for internal sun protection windows is as old as the first residential buildings built by man. The ancient Egyptians hung windows with damp cloths of cloth, the task of which was to detain the dust of the desert and lower the temperature inside the rooms. The idea of ​​blinds originates from the region of old Persia. Traveling to Central Asia, the Venetian merchants brought them to Venice, and from there they got to Paris. That’s why this accessory on the windows in the world market spread under the name Venetian blinds. Internal blinds also have another important advantage that most users are familiar with — confidentiality. Knowingly in France they are called la jalusie, which means — jealousy, because, in addition to sun protection, they provide protection from the immodest views of passers-by. The idea of ​​the existing blinds was first patented by Edward Beran in 1769 in London. Although the inventor of the blinds is officially considered, John Hampson, who in 1841 in New Orleans received a patent for the method of adjusting the angle of the lamella, which is today called horizontal blinds.

A beautiful functional accessory on windows today.

Today Modern Look

Modern internal blinds for windows are designed to protect the premises of residential, office and industrial buildings from exposure to sunlight. Installation of window accessories of this type helps to reduce the intensity of light and temperature in the room, which makes it good, convenient and functional. A rich, diverse and affordable price range makes horizontal blinds the most popular form of internal sun protection systems and an interesting element of the decoration of windows and interior. They can be made of plastic or aluminum, so they are easy to clean. Blinds are usually monophonic, but can be painted in different colors and decorated with patterns, which makes it easy to match them to the design and color scheme of the interior.

Elegant New Styles

Horizontal blinds perfectly harmonize with curtains and curtains, while at the same time protecting them from yellowing and burnout. They cope well, first of all, where the light during the day often changes the intensity and angle of incidence. Window blinds consist of horizontal slats — llamas, which have the ability to rise and adjust the angle of inclination, depending on the intensity of natural light, which must fall inside. Accordingly, manipulating the system to actually control the intensity of light, without affecting its color. You can control the blinds manually or with the help of electric drives.


Clever blinds of the future

clever blinds

Horizontal blinds in combination with a weather sensor system and connected to a home computer can become part of a smart home. Automation for windows allows not only to automate the process of raising and lowering the blinds. Thanks to solutions for the “smart” home, specific scenarios for all blinds can be programmed simultaneously or for each individually (for example, raising and lowering at a specific time or depending on a certain level of sunlight). Also, the blinds can be integrated into the house or object control systems, allowing these systems to take an active part in regulating the temperature regime inside the building. Automated blinds are also good in terms of confidentiality. Traditional, manual solutions, however, do not give 100% effect, as it is necessary to approach the window to raise or close the blinds. Thanks to automation, the user will be able to do this without getting up from bed, for example, early in the morning, using the remote control.

Remote Control in Usage

Of all types of indoor sun protection systems, horizontal blinds are the most effective, which allows them to compete with energy-intensive air conditioning equipment. Proper control of the blinds allows you to protect yourself from heating in the summer and loss of heat in the winter. In both cases, this has significant economic potential against the backdrop of rising energy prices. In summer, the user of such systems uses less energy for cooling, and in winter — for heating the premises. Studies have shown that in rooms where horizontal blinds are installed, in summer the temperature can drop by 5–7 degrees Celsius, and in winter, increase by as much as 2 degrees. Using home automation systems, it is realistic to get even higher parameters of thermal comfort.

Latest Styles of Blinds



Sohail Ilyas Ch.

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