What are ATL, BTL And TTL ?

3 min readApr 7, 2016

ATL Marketing

‘ATL Marketing’ stands for ‘Above The Line Marketing’. This kind of marketing is the kind of marketing that has a very broad reach and is largely untargeted. Think about a national TV campaign, where viewers across the nation see the same advert aired across the various networks.

This kind of marketing is mostly used for building brand awareness and goodwill.

An Example Of An ‘Above The Line Marketing’ Campaign
An example of Above The Line marketing would be a television campaign run by a cereal company. The ad would be aired across the nation, with every viewer seeing the exact same message. As mentioned above, this kind of marketing would be used to build general brand awareness of the business and/or it’s products over the long term as well as goodwill.

BTL Marketing

‘BTL Marketing’ stands for ‘Below The Line Marketing’. This kind of marketing is the kind of marketing that targets specific groups of people with focus. For example, a leaflet drop in a specific area, a Google Ad-words campaign targeting a certain group or a direct telemarketing campaign targeting specific businesses.

This kind of marketing is best for conversions and direct response.

An Example Of A ‘Below The Line Marketing’ Campaign

The same cereal company (as in ATL) could also run a direct marketing campaign in a large city, targeting commuters on the way to work. They might offer free cereal samples along with vouchers that could be used in a local store. This would be a strategy designed to target a specific group of people and to try and encourage quick purchases, or conversions.

TTL Marketing

‘TTL Marketing’ stands for ‘Through The Line Marketing’. This kind of marketing is really an integrated approach, where a company would use both BTL and ATL marketing methods to reach their customer base and generate conversions. It might seem obvious although not all marketing campaigns are like this — some are ATL only and some are BTL only (it would be much more common to see a BTL-only marketing campaign in practice, though).

This kind of marketing delivers both a wide reach and a focus on conversions.

An Example Of A ‘Through The Line Marketing’ Campaign

Again, the same cereal company (as in ATL and BTL) could launch a nationwide Youtube campaign, which would show different video ads to different users according to where the users lived and what their interests were, along with a promo code for a discount on purchases made online through their website.

As you can see, this is a combination of both of the other forms — ATL in terms of it’s wide reach, BTL in terms of its targeted nature and conversion focus.

Image courtesy — http://www.startupfreak.com/what-is-atl-btl-and-ttl-marketing/


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