Fantastic Augmented Reality

Surya Kumar
7 min readJul 19, 2017


Know the interesting ways AR will be implemented in the advanced technology era.

Augmented reality (AR) has been the popular talks of the world since the technology giants from Facebook to Microsoft started to bet huge on it. This article has a partly superficial visions of how AR will impact day to day life of the people. AR is limited to smartphones & VR headsets, but very soon it would transform into wearable glasses and contact lenses, that gives more immersive AR experience.

Let’s assume that the users have AR enabled glasses and see how that would impact upon us.

From Waking up

The first thing you would do after waking up is to wear the AR glasses. Now, you have all the details like the quality of sleep you had, day’s schedules to the appointments augmented right before you in wall or ceiling. You can view all the messages & emails you received and respond.

You would control everything with your hand gestures. Before you rise from your bed, you would know the latest happenings in the city through augmented newspapers. You could even see if your bed coffee is ready. Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices will be under control of your hand and you could do it right from the bed.

Learning & Tutoring

You will have a trainer every time with you virtually to instruct yoga postures or aerobic workouts.

You can even learn to dance, sing, play guitar or anything from your place with your instructor virtually guiding you. It may happen live or recorded one could be played. This would bring more fun even in the complicated task and provides the advantage of personalized tutoring from the trainer in the form of 3D projection. You can avoid paying too much to invite the trainer to your place or traveling to the place where the trainer is available. You can find trainers across the globe breaking all the boundaries and schedule for augmented training.

AR will disrupt the way webinars and workshops happens today.

TV & Cinema

We don’t need a physical TV. We can buy a $1 app ‘TV’ and put it on the wall and watch it — Mark Zuckerberg

When you are watching TV with your family, everyone would watch different channels upon their interest, simultaneously. Tata Sky or Comcast’s Xfinity will directly feed the channels to your AR glasses thereby allowing you to choose channels you want to watch. You control the TV with your fingers in the air.

A step ahead, 3D videos will be more realistic that the characters almost stand with you and play their roles. You literally stand between the situation of the movie and watch it 360 degrees.

Maybe in Iron Man 4, Tony Stark would be creating new suits for him in your living room. Endless imaginations are possible with AR and any idea would be a disrupting prototype sometime.

There will be cinemas with no chairs where you roam around the hall and watch the movie as you wish like standing near the character of your choice.

No more hand-held devices

You will not be carrying any smartphones, tablets since you have everything right in front of your eyes. You can see your augmented smartphone on your hand and you do the same what you would do with physical mobile. You could type messages, call your friends, play games, surf the internet with your hand gestures.

Wrist Watches will lose its uses including the smart watches. People can see the different style of virtual watches you wear with their AR glasses. It feels like you wear different watches every day. And, Everything you set with a wave of your hands. This will minimize the layer between real and virtual world.


Augmented Reality will change the way you have video calls with your pals. It would bring the person to your place, sit next to your couch and have the conversation. Conferences, seminars, celebrations, ceremonies, sports events etc. will be possible in a way where people would gather together in a place with just Augmented Reality.

You could dress up like a star and attend the Oscars right from your living room.

Not holograms, but a more realistic living human interactions that happen virtually by wearing just AR glasses.


You don’t have to look at your smartphone every time you use maps for navigation. Imagine an augmented human riding a bike before you for you to follow. It may even safeguard you from accidents, take you to best route possible based on the size of your vehicle(especially, in India). It will control you from over-speeding and alerts other drivers on road about your action. And in the case of any health issues while driving, In spite of just alarming, it would project the video of you to other drivers on the road for them to take necessary action.

All these will be done by the virtual human augmented before you. You can even choose how he/she should look like.

Learning people

Although the terminology looks complicated, with AR it would be simplified. Machine Learning would play a major role in foretelling the characteristics of a person based on the history. When you are looking at the person, everything would be labeled on him/her. By this, you would avoid judging the person on your first meet.

  • This idea would be largely useful for police officers to classify the criminal based on the records, on the fly, without having to investigate.
  • Teachers could easily know the history of the student at a glance and choose the best possible method to teach them.
  • Doctors could see all the medical stories as virtual projections over the body of the patient and make the diagnosis better. Imagine wearing the AR glass and seeing the skeleton of the person before you.

Fix things yourself

Trying to fix leaking tap? Doesn’t know how to assemble your computer? You can do it easily with an augmented demonstration or even have an expert who can teach you virtually by projecting over the real system. In the video below, you can see how the elevators are fixed through augmented reality.


Virtual Reality(VR) has taken gaming to next level with VR headsets. But the fallback is that you would feel uncomfortable to wear, unlike eye glasses. Also, the VR enabled games now are more isolated from the real world. With AR, you would have everything to be played right in the real world. Sometimes you would break your gadgets in the event of killing the enemies in the game, fight with strangers for more points and steal the real car. Remember Grand Theft Auto?

Experiments & Prototyping

Enthusiastic in creating the prototype of your own car or your dream house? You will be doing it all in augments by arranging things with your hands and making it work in the virtual world. You can also bring your friends together in building it and see the way it works in real world.

Thanks to Microsoft Hololens

AR Prototyping tools will be available soon that allows you to sketch on air, create 3D models and even animate them.

What’s more?

It is very clear that AR has endless possibilities when it comes to improvising the life style of human race and making the world more virtually connected and most of all, you could get anything you want with the mere gesture of your hand. With improving research and accelerating developments in the field, the future seems to be happening and the time that this would become consumer centric is not so far.

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