Already Inside You

A Situational Pattern.

Steve Arnold
2 min readFeb 2, 2019



The next version of you is already inside you. I like to think about this when I struggle. And I like to think that my struggle is simply the next version of me working its way out. Some things simply need to be cleared.


1. Reflect on what gets in your way.
Realize that what is in your way is there because you just haven’t dealt with it yet. But now you see it. And once you see it you begin to start dealing.

2. Deal with it.
Yeah that’s right. You own this… but what is so amazing about this moment is that it has presented itself. You see it. Handle what’s getting in your way. Get to work and clear it away.

3. Acknowledge and observe.
Ok so that last part might take you some time. But the next version of you is there to help. It sees what needs to be seen and works what needs to be worked. Keep at it.

4. Embrace and go forward.
Eventually that new self clears the path. What remains is the next version of you. And that next version of you might have been there for a while… no big. You have time so be patient. Embrace your next version and go forward.


Struggle is simply the beginning of a transition. Leaning into the transition, working through what needs to be worked through and eventually letting go completes your transformation. It clears away what needs to go and leaves behind the next better version of you.

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Steve Arnold

Design leader @ Google. Interested in working smarter, being kind to oneself and helping others.