Everything You’re Doing Right

A Situational Pattern.

Steve Arnold
2 min readJan 30, 2019



More often than not, it’s too easy to focus on the things that go wrong. But how about everything that goes right? Focus on what you are doing well and build a more positive, better you.


1. Assess the past 24 hours.
Take the time and think through the last 24 hours. Identify a few times where things went smoothly. Think about how you felt and why you felt that way. If you have time, write down the specifics.

2. Acknowledge your role.
Within those experiences, think through your contributions. What specifically went well because of you? What were the one or two moments that stand out. Acknowledge and honor those moments.

3. Think of more.
Seriously… you likely have a number of bright spots over the course of the last 24 hours. Think of more. If it helps, think through the last few days or week.

4. Remind yourself daily.
Begin a practice of regular reflection and acknowledgement. Start your day with an appreciation of at least one thing that you did well the day before. In time, the practice will become habit.


We have enough negativity in this world. You don’t need more from yourself. Instead, see the strength in all of the amazing things you do.

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Steve Arnold

Design leader @ Google. Interested in working smarter, being kind to oneself and helping others.