Just Hold On
A Situational Pattern.
You had a rough day. Perhaps it went sideways early on or just did some nice end of day twists that left you in an unpleasant spot. Whatever the situation might be, sometimes you have to remember to just hold on.
1. Take a step back.
If you can literally step back then take a walk. If you can’t, then focus on your breath. Do your best to clear your mind and get some space between you and the specifics.
2. Find solid ground.
Get solid ground under your feet. If emotions came into play, let them pass through you. Look inward and find solid ground. When you are ready, use that solid ground as your ballast.
3. Take the long view.
Look ahead to the future. What is the big picture here? Remind yourself of that larger picture and be patient with what is in front of you.
4. Be strong.
Be strong and hold on. Nothing lasts forever so recognize that holding on will help you get through whatever it is you face.
Sometimes things are just rough. Its how a day (or week) unfolds… and there isn’t much you can do. It’s ok. Just hold on and you can get through it.
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