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Mistakes Happen

A Situational Pattern.

Steve Arnold
1 min readJan 24, 2019



You make a mistake. Don’t avoid it, don’t run from it. Acknowledge it, thank it for its teachable moment, learn and move on.


1. Recognize the mistake.
Perhaps you interrupted a conversation or you stepped into a situation when it would have been better to hold off. It’s ok.

2. Acknowledge the mistake.
If your mistake involved others, have a conversation with them. If it was a heated moment, let a little time pass and revisit.

3. Agree.
Agree on how you’ll change. This agreement can be with yourself. But definitely think through what you would do differently next time and stick to it.

4. Let it go.
And then for the hard part. Let it go. Acknowledge that it was simply a mistake and that you’re human. Holding onto the mistake will only wear on you. Learn what you need to learn and let it go.


Mistakes are a part of life and how we learn. Without making mistakes you don’t improve. And like Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “A smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor.” Being challenged means making mistakes. And making mistakes means that you are learning!

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Steve Arnold

Design leader @ Google. Interested in working smarter, being kind to oneself and helping others.