Reframe And Reset

A Situational Pattern.

Steve Arnold
2 min readFeb 14, 2019



Going through change can be tough. Every so often, you land in a place that might seem a little off. People view you in a way that is different from how you see yourself. So how can you ensure that others hold the model of you in their head that you have in yours? Practice a periodic reframe and reset.


1. Gather your thoughts.
How do you see yourself? What are the key things you are passionate about? How do you know this? Capture these in a way that you can revisit.

2. Think about how you show up.
How do you show up for others? How do the things you’re passionate about manifest themselves in your relationships with others?

3. Collect data.
Draft a set of questions to gather data about how people perceive you. Ask the same set of questions to a sampling of folks around you.

4. Digest and calibrate.
Take time to process the information you gather. Let it sink in. Calibrate the understanding of yourself to how others see you. Understand the similarities and the differences.

5. Define (or re-define)how others see you.
While you can’t control how others see you, you can certainly control how you show up. Show up in ways that map to what you value. Stay true to who you are, what you value and others will see what you see.


You are constantly growing. As you do, you want to be seen as accurately as possible so that others can recognize how you’ve changed and respond appropriately. They can offer assistance when needed or connect you to opportunities that help you blossom even further. Or maybe, just maybe, being seen as you see yourself is reward enough.

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Steve Arnold
Steve Arnold

Written by Steve Arnold

Design leader @ Google. Interested in working smarter, being kind to oneself and helping others.