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Save For Later

A Situational Pattern.

Steve Arnold
2 min readJan 27, 2019



You’ve thought and thought. Yet that challenging moment from last week or the week before is still in your head. It’s lingering. Maybe you are replaying it over and over or simply just thinking about how to go about addressing it. But you need a break… and it would probably be best if you saved it for later.


1. Slow down and pause.
Take a deep breath in. Hold the breath for a moment. Then breathe out.

2. Scan your mind.
Find what is occupying it. Visualize it as a physical thing or set of things. I like to imagine a situation as details written out on paper in physical space.

3. Visualize putting it away.
Now imagine taking those papers (or whatever object you’ve visualized) and putting them into a physical box.

4. Visualize sealing it.
You can put a lid on the box or cover it in some way. If needed, you could even imagine locking the box and placing the key in your pocket.

5. Put it down and step away.
Now visualize sliding the box to the slide or placing it on a shelf or just leaving it. Step away.


Stewing on something will likely just wear you down and make you less effective… and you won’t always be thinking clearly. By putting it away for a bit, you can switch gears and get some rest of put your focus elsewhere. Your situation will still be there when you return. And then when you come back to it, you’ll be refreshed, have a new perspective and perhaps even solve the situation more easily.

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Steve Arnold

Design leader @ Google. Interested in working smarter, being kind to oneself and helping others.