Taming Your Inner Critic

A Situational Pattern.

Steve Arnold
2 min readJan 23, 2019



Your inner critic can sometimes be harsh. It’s ok, we all have that critic so how might you change the relationship for the better?


1. Acknowledge the critic.
Label the dialog in your head simply as “thinking”. Thinking is not “you”. You are much more… a human full of life, love and joy.

2. Practice letting go.
When the dialog comes in and gets harsh, that’s ok. Pause, acknowledge it again as “thinking” and let it go. In time this approach will get easier. Keep at it.

3. Change the narrative.
Develop your own mantra. Something like “I’m doing amazing” or “I am strong” based on the things you are doing well. When the critic shows up, summon your mantra.

4. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Recognize that change takes time. So you don’t always remember to take the steps outlined here. That’s ok. Perhaps it feels odd, also ok. Keep at it and keep practicing. In time you will soften the critic.


Managing this relationship with your inner critic is about managing the relationship with yourself. Life is too short to be consumed with a critical inner dialog. Tame your critic and shift the relationship to be amazing.

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Steve Arnold

Design leader @ Google. Interested in working smarter, being kind to oneself and helping others.