Celebrate Yourself Edition: Make every day your best-day :D

Irish 20thcandysweetapples
3 min readJun 20, 2020


Hello, hello, hello… how are you guys doing? I hope you’re all keeping great because YOU ARE great! Remember that :D
So, what am I up to for today’s blog? Well, it has something to do with cakes, balloons, and more sweet treats. Wow, sweet treats for a sweet tooth, I’m drooling, haha :D

Aww… look at the bear… isn’t the cuteness overload? :D

Alright, although every single one of us celebrates birthday once in a year, does it mean we have to end that happiness on our special day when the clock strikes midnight? And when the sun rises during the next day, all that left was the memories of yesterday’s birthday cake and everything…

Guys, this is not another Cinderella story. This is the story of you. The one and only, YOU. In Cinderella’s, everything changed when the clock struck midnight and the next day, Cinderella began to carry on her days doing all chores commanded by her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. Thank God she left one of her glass slippers, didn’t she? :D (I talked much about Cinderella, didn’t I? Forgive me, I was a big, no, a huge fan of Cinderella. I guess I am still a huge fan of Princesses. Yes, and I am proud of it :D)

So, that is Cinderella’s story. Let’s talk about the story of us. I mean, YOU :D

As the sun rises, a brand new day comes with a brand new opportunity to do something great. Now remind yourself that every single thing you do is great, amazing. Even if it doesn’t turn out well, or as expected, that’s okay because you’re still doing a great job by trying. I know, thank me later for the reminder :D

If you lose or fail in something, don’t punish yourself by restraining you from doing things that you love. It’s self-destruction, and it’s not helping at all :(

Instead, you should go for things that can make you smile and your heart sing. ~ When am I supposed to do that? You need not wait for others to wish, to celebrate, to cheer you up. The power is yours. It is in your blood — Shawn Mendes (his song came when I’m writing this, so yeah, it fits the theme :D)

For instance, you wish to have a bowl of Sundae while doing some reading. Sadly, it’s Monday, not Sunday, so nah, forget it. I know it’s just an example, but are you going to hold yourself back from having it just because it’s not Sunday? Like, seriously? Don’t. You can have it on any days, your choice, your right.

How often do you treat yourself? ~ I spent hours at the spa on my birthday. I… on my birthday. During birthdays, I…

I have a question: Why is it always have to be birthdays to do self-treats?

Well, it’s not merely that way. You can keep treating yourself with all things that make you happy on any days, every day.

“I want to make myself the most scrumptious meal today.”

“I’d like to wear my favourite shoes/shirt/skirt today.”

“I’m getting myself some doughnuts tomorrow.” See, it’s not merely to wait for your birthday to have best-days. You can make your every day your birthday, and you will live a happier life — It all started with the collection of ‘best-days’ I make every day :D

“Do not be afraid to give yourself everything you’ve ever wanted in life, because you deserve it.” — Frank Lloyd Wright

