Summer camping with kids activities

I am Tushar
2 min readSep 13, 2023

Summer setting up camp with children can be a critical and energizing experience. To keep the little ones drew in and make the experience charming, here are a few fun exercises you can do while setting up camp:

1. Nature Forager Chase: Make a rundown of things regularly tracked down in the campground or encompassing region (e.g., pinecones, particular sorts of leaves, rocks, creature tracks). Give every kid a rundown and see who can track down every one of the things first.

2. Open air fire Stories: Assemble around the pit fire and alternate recounting creepy or amusing stories. You can likewise carry a book of open air fire stories to peruse out loud.

3. Star Looking: On clear summer evenings, spread out covers and gaze toward the stars. Attempt to recognize groups of stars and offer anecdotes about them. You could in fact bring a telescope for a more critical look.

4. Nature Craftsmanship: Gather leaves, blossoms, and other regular materials to make craftsmanship. Children can make leaf rubbings, bloom presses, or even make nature-propelled creates like pinecone bird feeders.

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