Let me help you read the best things which matter and cut the others out!

Vrushal Kapadnis
2 min readMar 27, 2018


We all consume content in different forms, we do it to grow ourselves But what is more crucial is what content we consume. When I started to look out to read about personal finance, I had to dodge a lot of useless content, which in turn directed me wrong way, many a times confusing me, and eventually wasting up my time. To solve this problem, I started following experts and top websites in that very specific subjects, I subscribed to their content, and here it became easy for me to stay updated with the new developments and reach the core of the subject. I am about to do something similar for you guys here on Medium.

Here, I will post a article every week, which will have links to the best content that I have Consumed in the week! I read/watch/listen to content which benefits me to learn more and stay updated about Psychology, Marketing, Personal Finance, Story telling, Entrepreneurship, Physical and Mental Health. There is a form at the end of the article, do sign up and I will send you the best things to read.

The reason behind this is to share the wisdom and spread good thought.

I will make sure, that the content is worth your time!

Follow me to stay updated or to make things easy, subscribe to my mailing list, so that you will receive one email per week from me.

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Vrushal Kapadnis

Enthusiast, Engineer. Growth Marketer! Curious about the ratio of my age to Earth’s