Fidgets -coming soon-

5 min readFeb 28, 2023

Final decisions have been made for this little vibe series I put together a couple weeks back. It was tough to figure out exactly where and how I was gonna mint these. With so many options and possibilities and opportunities, I was hella overwhelmed for a minute. Do I do 1/1s, editions, limited editions, open editions, do I drop them all at once, string them out, do sets, how much, which market, what day, what time, etc., etc., etc.. And all of that whole also figuring all he details for a bunch of other projects…moral of the story, after this is done and out, I’m going to only focus on a smaller number of creative projects at a time. Between the burnout im experiencing mentally and physically, algorithms for social media I’ve found hate multidisciplinary people. They want one thing to show, and a couple support vibes, otherwise it and people get confused.

In total, 13 pieces, all animated gifs. Twelve of the are 4000x4000 pixel squares and there’s one surprise size in the mix. I grappled for a while on whether or not I should turn them into squares of four fidgets, more ‘bang’ for the buck, engagement and entertainment, but a few of my friends were like, each of them is a part of a story that progresses (if people are looking for it) and to amalgamate them would detract from their uniqueness and individuality. That logic and reasoning, as counter intuitive to market sense as it is, rang true with me, because that’s how they were created. Bowing knee to market forces, smart as it may be, has never been a strong suit, but it’s also kept my art and ideas more ‘me.’ Poor but proud? Have to tell that to my landlord when they come for rent, love to see their face, lol.

The first one

I came to the title of fidgets, vs machines, monitors or whatever else because that was he energy in which they were created. Energies that I couldn’t figure out how to express any other way, straight from the subconscious, nervous, twitchy, yet, organized and rhythmic…all about finding the patterns and waves…finding meaning in almost nothing…but, it’s not nothing. The raw energies and movements, bare, a skeleton to hang whatever the viewers mind wishes to on.

This vibe excites me in many ways. I see the evolutions, convolutions, currents and ideas growing. Seeds planted in other series bursting up through the dirt beginning to show what they are in greater and greater detail. To sit and stare at these is to look into my past and see parts of my future.

You can ask why the different monitors, the colors, the shapes and movements? And I can come up with relevant answers…ones that took me a while to come to understandings for myself with, but…the abstract nature of these compels me to tell anyone asking, what do you think it means? How does it feel to you? For me to tell you where to go in these, doesn’t feel right.

The way these are going to be released into the world is via a Foundation Drops. The whole, buy an unknown, get the piece revealed, pack of sports card vibe. There’s a number of reasons I goin this way. And, yes, I realized there are many better ways to go, but, real world as it is… Originally I wanted to have this be my Nifty Gateway genesis. At first it seemed the best, the answers from the staff dm made it look like it was the best way, but after a little digging I realized it wasn’t. I was told I’d only need to mint the contract and the pieces would be minted and collectors charged gas for the purchase, something I could afford with my waning eth balance, but, that made some assumptions about what type and how many I was minting. Unfortunately my follow up question to clarify wasn’t answered and I realized that I’d likely have to mint not only the contract, but each of the pieces, something way out of my budget. Three months ago, I still might have done it, but…today, not a chance in hell.

In a couple days the set will drop. There’s still a bunch of promo stuff I have to do, making videos, posting, trying to get people I know to spread the word, and I’m going to make a metaverse gallery via so that people can view them beforehand as well. The tools available to modern artists to accomplish the tasks of selling art, getting their work out there, all the little bits of being creative and a business, are countless nowadays. The hard part is not being overwhelmed by all we can do.

As for price, I’m thinking .05eth, or maybe even .1eth. These pieces are dear to my heart, as all my art is, and continually setting amounts for rock-bottom will-they-won’t-they numbers is getting exhausting. Considering all the work that goes not into the art, but the marketing, the business expenses, the endless tasks just to get work to market…exhausting lol. Does anyone care enough about the work, the artist, the future of this creative, enough to pay what something should cost, or will it be another pass as they look to the glittering hype projects that will end up rugging in a couple months because they didn’t make as much money as they wanted? I already know the answer to that, lol.

Now, back to work! Coffee is getting cold and much to be done it hopes of, well, what I hope for is going to remain an open secret. If you know, you know :)

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In a constant state of expressing. Artist by nature and trade. Physical and digital.