Front page of, LFG🚀

1 min readJan 4, 2024


Sunday was wild day for me as I loaded up my browser checked out the front page of my main NFT art market on the Tezos blockchain, Image after image of my art flicked by on the carousel of the “Featured Artist’ top section of the site. Not one, two three, four, 25 pieces from 5 different series I had done or was still working on. My jaw practically dropped to the floor. I’ve been featured on the front pages of a lot of the major sites for individual pieces, being a part of collaborations and other reasons, but not like this. And, after the drought of engagement, of being collected, of being, well, anything, damn it felt good. Endlessly creating, sometimes seen. This market winter has been murder, and this brought me back to life a bit.

Check out my work on Objkt




In a constant state of expressing. Artist by nature and trade. Physical and digital.