Spiritual Noise volume 1, a collection of digital abstracts

4 min readFeb 4, 2024


This book marks the 4th I’ve written on and about my work and the third I’ve minted on the blockchain, 44 works summing up a couple of months of life. Its start was as most things start with me, a question of, ‘what if I?’ On a train from my summer sojourn in the Midwest to try and regain some sanity back to Los Angeles I finally decided to try and get to the abstract part of my nature. Denied in its most pure form for the last several years as I dug into digital and tried to learn how to think differently and expand my toolbox, now was the time my unconscious wanted to dig in again to where a lot of my art had gotten its start and augment it with what it had learned.

What’s kept me from going this way for a while, besides being overwhelmed just trying to keep up, has been the lack of confidence, most likely. My physical abstracts, while enjoyed and admired, rarely passed the line in terms of being desired. …combine that with the endless falloff in NFT sales and social media algorithms turning their backs on me, how I still try anything new instead of just giving up astounds me most of the time. But, that’s just the way things are now…and in order to evolve and move forward, I just gotta grapple with what is, aim more specifically for what I want, and just get grinding again.

Launch, 2023

All that in my brain as I started to kick out, try new brushes, ideas, and just let loose without the blinders and binders I’d strapped myself into. Digital for the sake of digital and not trying to be what others were or trying to look like something ported over from the physical world…what could I do with that?

A slow build up of definitions, explanations, rhymes and rhythms to the madness pressed its way out of my skull. Piece after piece I tried out ideas, ways, means, to pick apart that which was flying around my head, banging around and looking for the exit. A part of the process now being to digest what was being said to myself versus the breakneck create-and-move that seems to be my bad habit.

Capture, 2023

What did I feel like? Did I like how it looked how I felt? Did it speak to me on all the levels I wanted it to? What would other people think? The bad habits snuck into the self-talk on occasion, but also reminded me that as much as it was a conversation with myself, shaking the noise of my feelings of the edges of my soul to see if I still had some wings to be spread, it was also a conversation that I desired to have with others through their observation and hopeful participation with the work.

Unfortunately the initiation of this project seemed to coincide with the total loss of the remaining scraps of social media engagement I had. From the few touches I had with people, I was headed in the right direction, but, due to the whims of technology, profit, and my out-of-control internal glitch, not to mention my lack of in-real-life friends/peer group…most of what happened did so inside of my own head.

Emotional, 2023

Did that stop me? Obviously not. The second volume is in production, a much quieter process as I am taking a break from social media, only occasionally and selectively engaging. All that time and energy, the emotion and commitment to those services that in return treated me like a gambling addict in a casino…I want to turn it fully into my work and into networks that aren’t decided so far out of my control and into my art, to see what it does and how I can hopefully reconnect to the world.

Spiritual Noise, to me, is a series of personal rediscovery and reconnection, to myself and hopefully with others. My fears about whether what I’m doing is real, or is art, or matters, makes a difference, blah, blah, blah, y’all know the bullshit noise, those I’m working to make peace with because I know, without what goes on in my head being in order, nothing in my life will either. I want to express, and this is how I’m doing it. Take it or leave it.

Collecting them all into a book so people can see the story as a series, a story that develops…not just punctuation marks on their feeds, that’s my goal. Whether anyone runs across it…only time and hopefully all my hard work will tell.

LFG and all that🤘🤘

Check the series out on Objkt (tezos)

Check the book out

Current series expanding on Exchange (Solana)

Interface, 2023




In a constant state of expressing. Artist by nature and trade. Physical and digital. iamwessel.com