Cisco Interview Experience | UI Developer

Yash Khandelwal
2 min readDec 30, 2023


  • Level: Medium
  • Interview and Recruitment Process: Good

Application Process

I reached out to a recruiter on LinkedIn and after shortlisting my resume he sent me the link for online assessment (HackerRank).

Online Assessment

  • Level: Easy-Medium

The online assessment has some MCQ based questions and a React Question all to be solved in 2 hours.
After clearing this round, 2 mandatory rounds were scheduled on the same day.

Round 1

  • Level: Medium++ (a little higher than medium)

This round revolved around the following concepts:

  1. OOPS — Inheritance, Abstraction, etc. (Theory + Implementation)
  2. Promises and Async/Await — Difference b/w the two and implementation.
  3. Reducers in React
  4. Context API
  5. Find the 3rd largest element in an array
  6. Media queries and responsive designs

Round 2

  • Level: Medium

In this round the interview started with my work experience and grilled me on the things which I have worked upon like headless CMS (Strapi), CDN, NextJS (SSR, CSR, SSG). And after all this discussion he started asking some concepts like:

  1. Localization / Internationalization (i18n)
  2. Web workers
  3. Different Content-Types in a HTTP requests
  4. Critical Rendering Path
  5. What exactly happens when you hit a URL in the browser?
  6. React Design Patterns
  7. Accessibility in web applications
  8. ARIA

After all this he gave me a problem to be solved in React.


Part-1: Create 2 mock API’s which returns a list of students and each student has a name, some marks and a unique registration ID. Data from the 2 API’s can have common students i.e. mock API 1 can have a student as — ABC / 98% / 1234 (name / marks / registration ID) and this same data can be there in mock API 2 response as well. Now after creating these 2 API’s using Promises and hard-coded data, you need to merge the data coming from both API’s and have to delete the duplicates.

Part-2: Use the above data and render it in Box 1. Each student has a checkbox before its name and we can select multiple students at once. All the selected students can be moved to Box 2 by clicked on the 1st button and vice-versa for Box-2.

Verdict: Rejected ❌



Yash Khandelwal

Front-end Engineer | ReactJS | NextJS | CMS | CDN | Web applications | Javascript