Razorpay Interview Experience | Frontend Developer

Yash Khandelwal
2 min readDec 24, 2023


Founded by IIT Roorkee alumni, Razorpay aims to revolutionize money management for online businesses by providing clean, developer-friendly APIs and hassle-free integration.

Level: Medium
Interview and Recruitment Process: Average

razorpay logo

Application Process

I applied through their jobs portal via referral. Each round was an elimination round.

Round 1

  • Level: Medium
  • Duration: 60 mins

This round was solely on JavaScript and its fundamentals. I was asked questions on hoisting, promises, async/await, etc.
You can expect standard output based questions on hoisting, promises, async/await, function, etc.

After the output based questions, I was asked to write a function to convert a string input into an object.

// Write a function which converts string input into an object
// stringToObject("a.b.c", "someValue");
// output -> {a: {b: {c: "someValue"}}}

function stringToObject(str, finalValue) {
// your logic here

Round 2

  • Level: Medium
  • Duration: 90 mins

This was React Machine coding round where I was a asked to implement the Pagination component of Material UI library.
I implemented it to some-extent with the help of the interviewers input’s but I think I failed to match their expectations which is fine.
After implementation, I was asked some theoretical questions like:

  1. Authentication Vs Authorization
  2. Webpack
  3. Babel
  4. Auth-token and cookie
  5. styled components
  6. Polyfills
  7. How CDN works

Verdict: Rejected (❌)



Yash Khandelwal

Front-end Engineer | ReactJS | NextJS | CMS | CDN | Web applications | Javascript