Yujin Won
2 min readFeb 7, 2023

New vision for Namu 2023 ✨

It’s already the New year.

It has been 2 years already since I joined the team Namu. Namu also has experienced many changes since then. Lucas and I have considered how efficiently Namu can help church communities more than now.

It’s 2023 now, so we decided to develop our vision for Namu. Today, I want to introduce our new direction.

Before I introduce the new vision of Namu, I think it can be your first time to hear about Namu. Don’t worry! I’ll catch you up briefly.

Namu is the web-based app that helps church communities to manage and to communicate with each other. Every member can use Namu with phone and desktop, and it offers a safe, dedicated space only for your community. If you want to know more about Namu, please visit our public site: https://hellonamu.com/. From now on, I want to share already-added and upcoming features on blog. Please stay tuned!

At the first time, our customer for Namu was church pastors and its staff.

How can pastors easily manage their communities and personal information?

Is there a secure and convenient way to oraganize weekly donations?

We focused on making Namu to be one-way sharing information app for pastors. The main reason why is to minimize any conflicts. This is because church communities have unique personality itself: holiness and love.

However, there are limitations that Namu should go beyond since we want to make Namu become a useful tool for the community for interactive communication.

“Let’s make Namu more interactive with users!”

This is our new direction for this year.

Once Namu becomes a space for communities to connect each other, there is no need to rent spaces in SNS apps that are not suitable for church communities such as Facebook or Slack.

I’m going to introduce how interactive Namu had changed with our new features: posting&events, emoji, comments, and tags.

Thank you,