Twenty Thirty Launches Pillar Project Token Sale

Yogesh Gaekwad
7 min readJun 28, 2017


Pillar Project

About Pillar and 20|30

Pillar is a flagship project of Twenty Thirty AG a corporation registered in Zug, Switzerland. We believe the next era will be dominated by blockchain based products and services and it will change the way we do things in 2030. Main agenda of 20|30 venture is to build various blockchain based products and services under the 20|30 banner by having blockchain innovation centres around the world starting London.

The Pillar project is based upon ‘Pull’ a best-selling book by one of the best minds from Stanford Honourable Mr David Siegel who is a blockchain expert, author and one of the world’s first web designer. It is David’s great visionary thinking which is driving the force behind the Pillar project.


Pillar Wallet is a next generation open source crypto wallet which will transform the lives of people in the 21st century an era of technology, apps and machines. We all are connected to various websites, apps for our work in our daily lives. We also have to remember many passwords of various accounts, bank IDs etc. All our information is stored in different third party sources. Also any one app or website is designed for a particular task and they all cannot relate with 100 different apps installed on your phone. Today many apps, web accounts store valuable credit / debit card or government ID information. This information is made available to various data agencies that in turn make money by selling your personal data at times to larger corporations. Also the information stored in various data centres is prone to hackers worldwide like we saw in the recent cyber-attacks around the world.

How Pillar Wallet Can Help?

Pillar is a next general wallet this will be a revolution in web 3.0. Pillar wallet can store all you’re important data, information at one spot. All the different things a person may need for his day to day life will come at his finger tips and on a digital dashboard in the pillar wallet. Pillar wallet commands requests from the web via smart contracts on the blockchain so giving you an ease of no more logins or remembering several passwords or downloading several different apps. Pillar wallet is an efficient and a powerful digital platform using which you can carry out many different tasks, you do not need 100 different apps or websites anymore this will be the digital dashboard of your life. The data and all your assets are highly secure on the blockchain 24/7.

Pillar Wallet = Browser + Exchange + Wallet in one form we call it as a Personal Data Locker


data locker puts your assets on the blockchain and the private key is in your control so you do not have to rely on third party or worry about data theft. All the data is secure on the blockchain 24/7. Personal data locker does not consist of apps but it provides information and services for all aspects of your life.

Pillar Development Phases:

Phase 1- completion by December 2017

Pillar multi chain wallet — We will build a multi chain wallet and integrate it with various systems and will pitch this to several enterprise level clients and startups as well for customer validation to explore more spheres. We will approach e-commerce, searches, IoT cos and hope with the initial crypto community they too can be early adopters. We believe there are not much competition to this apart from the Jaxx wallet and few other wallets in the market currently.

Phase II — completion by March 2018

We will upgrade the multi chain Pillar wallet to an exchange platform, escrow messaging, browser etc. This will give us a wider reach and help us grow at a faster pace among the blockchain community. With this wallet upgrade we shall be able to solve sizeable problems. Coin base and Lykke are few of the good examples with wallet and exchange.

Phase III — completion by 2nd quarter of 2018

We will upgrade the Pillar wallet to provide the service offerings that separate Pillar wallet from other wallets and creates the personal data locker, leading to a personal assistant. Continue to offer both account based and atomic versions. This will be a king maker in the global market. This will solve numerous problems currently we do not see any potential competitors but we are ready for the competition. My personal take is that this will be a great revolution for e-Government services, identity, defence and security, wealth management, employment etc high valued verticals.

Clients using our Pillar Wallet post 2019–2020

Pillar wallet is our primary solution. It will be a consumer driven product which would look very similar like today’s digital wallets, but it is beginning of the era of personal data locker. We will transform the wallet experience from something you use occasionally to trade currencies to something you use most of the time as you go about your day. We believe that browsers, OS and wallets will converge, and that combination just happens to describe the personal data locker. The Pillar wallet will let you manage everything you own, everything you have, everything you want, everything you consume, and everything you do online.

In Pillar wallet there is no account. You hold the private keys to your crypto currency (bitcoin, ether, etc.) and you use crypto currencies or digital tokens to “pay as you go,” for the service using micropayments. The service may never know who you are this will be highly anonymous and secure. This is what the Brave browser will do. This is how people will pay for many services in the future. You can think of tokens as tradable API keys.

Payments and Usage on Pillar:

Pillar is destined to replace apps, websites, browsers and different OS and bring all that on one powerful platform which is simple, easy to use and understand and highly secure.

Pillar uses crypto tokens for transactions.

Example: Harry makes a payment using pillar tokens to order a pizza, book a cab or book movie tickets. These tokens will be on ether a well-known crypto currency. It is estimated by various agencies that blockchain and crypto currencies will drive the world ahead in the next decade.

Pillar wallet can be made so powerful that you would not need a personal assistant anymore you can track multiple things right from your health records, bank records etc details all at once on a Pillar wallet app. Pillar will remove all the gate keepers, middlemen from the entire ecosystem.

Pillar Token

The Pillar token is a meta-token. It is designed to power all the services and transactions you use during your day to day activities. To make your life simple, you’ll just see your normal currency plus your pillar balance.

Pillar Experience

Date: 12 Dec 2019

Scenario 1

Mr. James is sitting in his house early morning he wants to find out about his health records and about yesterday’s health test at the doctor’s clinic. He will quickly open the pillar wallet dashboard and search healthcare tab and see a notification from his doctor regarding a recent health test report and previous record of reports. He shall also be able to communicate with his doctor as well. This will give him ease and save his valuable time also all the information will be stored in a perfect order. You do not have to search for report in your house at crunch times as it will be easily available on the dash board.

Scenario 2

Mr. James is in a mood to watch a movie in afternoon he will book the movie tickets from Pillar Wallet entertainment section on the blockchain using tokens for payments. He can also request the command on the wallet to either order a food or book a cab.

Scenario 3

Mr. James it is evening time and he cannot take his physical certificates everywhere with him, also government offices and banks are closed in evening. He will thus store digital copies on the pillar wallet and can also avail e-government and banking services or request information. Such services in countries like India and Switzerland are being promoted a lot but they are not yet on the blockchain but we imagine this is possible in 2020. This will bring the government and banking information services on your finger tips and eliminate corruption, middlemen, bureaucracy and red tape, much ease of storing identity details and guaranteed high security of data on the blockchain without being worried about data security breach by hackers.

Scenario 4

Mr. James wants to search for employment options for his younger brother he will put a request or command on the wallet and a suitable match according to the details can be found easily. He also wants to trade some currencies and crypto currencies again he can do it at one platform. These are the very few things you can do with Pillar Wallet possibilities are many.

PILLAR this is the Wallet you all have been waiting for!!

Pillar Token Sale

Note: To make this project a mega success we are doing an ICO. We are people driven community and we want people to help us and fund us to build this and many more revolutionary projects which can make our world a lot better, safer and easier. Also Pillar token sale is strictly not for American citizens.

The Pillar token sale starts on July 15th at 08:00 Greenwich Mean Time and ends 60 hours later on July 17th at 20:00 GMT. Of the 800 million tokens issued, 560 million will be for sale to the public. The price in ether will be the same throughout the sale and will be announced on July 14th.

For details visit:





Yogesh Gaekwad

Serial Entrepreneur, Founder YUVIDIGITAL, Co Founder in Wandx/ Merchant Wealth, Blockchain, FinTech, Wanderlust, Coffee Addict