The Apple Magic Mouse Sucks. Fix it.

Ian Sager
2 min readJan 9, 2019


For almost 10 years now, the Magic Mouse has been Apple’s sole mouse. On paper it’s great: sleek glass design, rechargeable, multitouch, bluetooth, the list goes on. However, as a practical mouse for most everyday people it’s far from reasonable.

Firstly, there’s the gripe we’ve all heard and seen from every corner of the internet. The charging method is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever seen on a mouse. Sure, it gets the job done and the mouse charge lasts for a while anyway, but no Apple device should be rendered useless by charging it. It goes against the “it just works” attitude of Apple and their ideals of seamless use. I’m honestly baffled anyone signed off on this and really hope whatever the Magic Mouse 3 ends up being has a much more elegant solution.

Secondly, its ergonomics are HORRIBLE! I mean, sure it looks pretty, but did anyone bother using it for more than an hour before deciding it should pass off as a good mouse for professionals. Luckily, this problem can be fixed easy with something like the MMFix for only a few bucks. It’s a soft silicone pad that supports your wrist and allows the mouse to truly fit any sized hand. However, I shouldn’t have to rely on fixes like this from the community just to make using an Apple product not make my hand feel like it’s going to fall off.

The MMFix on an Apple Mouse

Lastly, as if the “ease of use” experience couldn’t get any worse, you can’t even charge the darn thing out of the box if you have a new MacBook. What kind of idiocy is that! If Apple included lightning to USB-C with their MacBooks I think I could overlook it, but as it stands the only way to connect your phone or mouse to the computer is to go out and buy ANOTHER thing! Come on Apple!

Until these issues are fixed, I cannot recommend the Magic Mouse to anyone, unless the MMFix is an immediate addition.

