The Purpose of a Statement of Claim: Demystifying Legal Steps

Ian Aldridge
3 min readOct 13, 2023


Legal matters can be intimidating, especially for business owners who are focused on growing their enterprises. However, understanding the purpose and significance of a statement of claim is essential for anyone navigating the Australian legal system.

In this post, we’ll break down the purpose of a statement of claim in simple terms.

Defining the Statement of Claim

A statement of claim is a legal document that outlines the facts and legal grounds on which a plaintiff seeks relief in Court. It serves as the initial step in commencing civil proceedings in Australia.

This document is crucial because it sets out the plaintiff’s case and informs the defendant about the claims made against them. By presenting a clear and concise statement of claim, plaintiffs lay the foundation for their legal argument.

The Construction Dispute

Consider a scenario where a construction company is contracted to renovate a commercial property. However, upon completion, the property owner claims that the renovation was substandard and refuses to make the final payment.

In this case, the construction company can file a statement of claim to initiate legal proceedings against the property owner seeking compensation for their services.

Notifying the Defendant

One of the primary purposes of a statement of claim is to formally notify the defendant about the legal action being taken against them.

It ensures that the defendant is aware of the allegations, giving them an opportunity to respond and defend their case.

By providing the defendant with specific details about the claim, including the nature of the dispute and the relief sought, a statement of claim promotes transparency and allows both parties to prepare their arguments effectively.

The Breach of Contract

Imagine a situation where a small business, enters into a contract with a supplier, Global Products Inc., to purchase a certain quantity of goods at an agreed-upon price.

However, Global Products Inc. fails to deliver the goods as per the contract, causing significant financial losses for the small business. In response, it can file a statement of claim, outlining the breach of contract and claiming damages from Global Products Inc.

Outlining Legal Grounds

A statement of claim is the platform for plaintiffs to clearly state the legal basis for their claims. It should include relevant legislation, contractual agreements, or common law principles that support their case.

By providing a well-structured argument with supporting evidence, plaintiffs increase their chances of success in court.

Furthermore, the statement of claim should address any defences the defendant may raise. Anticipating potential counterarguments and addressing them proactively can strengthen the plaintiff’s position and lead to a favourable outcome.

Promoting Negotiation and Settlement

In many cases, the statement of claim initiates a legal process that encourages negotiation and settlement outside of court.

Once the defendant receives the statement of claim, they may choose to engage in discussions to resolve the dispute before proceeding to trial. This can save both parties time, money, and stress associated with protracted legal proceedings.


Understanding the purpose of a statement of claim is crucial for Australian business owners embarking on legal action. By clearly outlining the plaintiff’s case, notifying the defendant, and providing a legal basis for the claims, a statement of claim establishes the foundation for a successful lawsuit. Additionally, it promotes negotiation and settlement, potentially saving valuable resources.

Remember, the legal system may appear complex, but with the right knowledge and guidance, navigating it becomes more manageable. So, the next time you find yourself in a situation requiring legal action, don’t forget the importance of a well-crafted statement of claim.



Ian Aldridge

Ian Aldridge has almost 20 years experience in providing legal advice to SMEs both in Australia and in the UK. He founded Progressive Legal in 2014 .