101 inc desert tactical folding knife review.

Great budget blade but outpriced by the competition.

jan pardon
3 min readMay 26, 2019

I didn’t stab bears or chop trees with it. I will review it as a EDC knife. A city blade. A sword of office dwellers. Okay I’ll stop.

Build quality.

The blade is a strong solid piece. It’s sharp. Nothing wrong with it.

The handle feels solid too. And after 3 years of use it’s still not moving anywhere.

But after a few months i already broke off the belt clip. Not the metal, but the weak and badly placed screws.

And it’s impossible to find official replacement screws. Luckily after a year without i discovered that certain PC building screws fitted perfectly.

Bad luck? Probably. But it still sucked.

Look and feel.

The blade doesn’t get more tactical. It feels great. But it looks aggressive. I rarely take it out anywhere anymore. It just creeps people out.


It’s not too big. And pretty flat. So it sits well in your pocket.

It didn’t take me long to master opening it with one hand. Feels great to just flip it open. Looks hella badass. But probably not a good idea in public.

Should you buy?

Well.. yes and no. If you want a decent badass folding knife, yes.

If you want a decent and badass folding knife for as cheap as possible? Check out what china offers nowadays. You will be surprised! Knifes aren’t that hard. And unless you are a navy seal you really don’t need to invest that much in your blade.

Yes.. that’s a ten euro Chinese blade. Crazy right?

I am not sponsored by them and i won’t provide a link and destroy the integrity of my review.

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jan pardon

digital and traditional artist, gamer. user of things, eternal student.