6 min readJul 4, 2022

Intergalactic Federation Transmission: IT00001001100

Rebel negotiations status: Takeover

Faction: Graffiti Kings AKA The Graff Punks!

Clan: crypto-moonboys

Operative: Protect TLM at all costs. Confrontation imminent.

(End of transmission).

“That’s all they sent, eh?“ I asked the TLM space patrol squad leader as they finished the beverage before them and shifted back “into duty form,” paid the bar keep, and shipped off (I assume to go find those crypto-moonboy rebels and give them a taste of Kavian hospitality).

As the shadow of the federation officer faded into the abyss of oblivious patrons, scumlords, and everybody living out their lives in between, it left a bounty hunter like me to ponder the larger shift on the horizon — who are the Graff Punks ? I mutter to myself quietly … or so I thought.

The Graff Punks are a bunch of deluded megalomaniacs!” I hear exclaimed behind me from a familiar voice I haven’t heard in ages. I look over and find my old “pal” from the TLM processing union ready to tell me all about how this rebel faction of space punks has been crashing on lone planets and exploiting the precious metals and resources, taking on new HODL warrior clans, and expanding their syndicate throughout these alien worlds.

“What is a HODL warrior?” I asked, only to be met with a look of discursion and a swift departure by my longtime confidant. “Uh .. ok? Nice to see you, too,” I thought.

Will their crypto-moonboys continue to pillage the planets ? What does this mean for the interplanetary council.. how will it defend against those whom seek the Trillium?!

Here’s what I have been able to dig up so far using my cunning, charm, and loads of bribes in TLM…

The crypto-moonboys have been teleporting from planet to planet using an exploit in the time/matter array and are able to essentially travel with ease as they land in the still of night, mine the rarest of materials and “phase” back out before the planetary patrols have a chance to cover the area. Problem is, they are getting braver and bolder, and because of this always push the envelope on use case, possibility … and now their welcome here.

I’ve been told that a rising faction within the Graffiti Kingdom “The HODL warriors” have been branching off and recruiting citizens of each of the planets they have been teleporting to, into battle ready clans ready to compete for ultimate glory in an upcoming chain agnostic battle game for wealth and power. I was able to smuggle a teaser of game data and load it into my tablet:

The word on the moons of Neri is that already, a new clan of HODL warriors is being born from the muck, strife, and struggle to survive in such harsh conditions. It’s being reported that sightings of new Alien Worlds crypto-moonboys and -moongirls are turning up like thieves in the night. Bannermen are setting up recruiting stations at the local apothecaries, taverns. Tales travel the seedy underbelly of space about mutated moonboys and monsters ready to join the affront against the federation. But….

These new recruits to the HODL warriors were not what was expected… there is independent thought occurring and it is rising in the ranks! This new “truth” that there is more out there than the hand that is dealt! That one can be more than they are ! But you must take it … through battle and prestige!

Usually the assimilation into the HODL WARS fold happens with ease and without rebellion, but something is different in these new troops… They are… rebelling against the rebellion!

The data is corrupt and hard to reformat, but the exoPlanets are all confirming sightings of these new federation crypto-moonboys… and that their numbers are growing… there seems to be a central mission: Terrorize the takeover. All reports are indicating that 100,000 TLM trillium credits have been erroneously allocated to the HODL warriors and was stolen by the Graff Punks… Federation moonboys are filing in by the ranks to line up towards victory against these planetary plunderers. These space soldiers are ready to rumble for every coin pilfered. Fixed up with the latest tech, geared to form squadrons of HODL warriors to battle the rising affront against the exoPlanet Metaverse! “In order to succeed ALL efforts must be made at infiltration and elimination of the Graffiti Kings crypto-moonboys at ALL costs !” …reads the last line of the final report coming from Eyeke before the faction transmissions ceased.

These brave federation HODL warriors are gearing up for a confrontation of a life time.. where “honor, reputation, and riches of unfathomable means await those ready to seek the spoils of the HODL wars!”…. or so the poster reads on the lavatory walls.. crossed over and through with writings of propaganda and street art alike! … Toy soldiers like those they represent, lay out amongst the display cases and night life kiosks similar to some battle ground and aftermath therein… Posed and poised to inspire victory and patriotism, these totems of what is and is what to come… a constant reminder of the desire to be a part of something impactive, something revolutionary!

Schematics, order, prestige… These were the old guard, used to keep the masses at bay, in line, complacent… like a guide or diagram… to be a part of the mold was to be your uber self… But this was a weakness, this perceived “ way of order” led to the exoPlanets being factionalized, broken, in discord with them selves and the galaxy. This is the very weakness that allowed for the time/matter array to be exploited and for the Graffiti Kings crypto-moonboys to begin their exploits.

“Who am I to complain ?” I ponder to myself, an intergalactic bounty hunter ready for more, but tired all the same …Of all of the unknowns which we’ve just babbled on bout Babylon on this, my final round, in this final bar, on this final outpost, before I hand over my fedora and trenchcoated existence for a jump suit, a rocket pack, and a buff bat! I stand here ready to abandon my entire identity, every ounce of being in me at the forefront of adventure! I must ask are YOU ready to shift the paradigm... “You’re in the game now !” I say out loud, as I board this star cruiser bound for Magor.


A versatile wordsmith, NFT use case consultant. Web3 synergy expert. Pizza aficionado. Human, Husband, Dad.