So…what have these punks been up to ?

11 min readFeb 16, 2022


Da Kings Guard

Graffiti Kings (further known as “GK” in this article to speed things along) … houses some of the greatest Wax slingers in the West … and the East ... and the North... and the South… Known for next level collaborative and creative drops, blends, and partnerships, GK has once again set out to be torch bearers into the great unknown as we architect the future together …

What better way to do this than time travel?! What’s that you say … hovercrafts, UFO’s, power laces and inter-stellar funk?!…..thats coming soon with our upcoming collab with the MIGHTY Alien Worlds

Eh…lets go THE OTHER way with it …. So grab a saddle and some chain link, bid farewell to the future, fast food, facetime and …well… hot water for that matter and brace yourselves for bludgeoning as we go WAY WAY WAY back in time to:

GraffPunks MidEvil: Hero Arena

Triple Threat

“WHOAH….!” Cool right? I know … We have about 1000 brave souls battling and bludgeoning it out in OPEN BETA and, were super excited to bring this to your neighborhood Arena, Colosseum, and Street Squabble (more below)...when you say? Now Mate! Go get ya mum, tell her put down the Bridge set, yeah?. Let the world know you can crack on. Ok:

Maces Out

Before I go in to the P2E/ROI (reward on involvement) aspects and the different ways to approach game play and succession, I figure I'll drop off this handy overview below and from there I’ll break down what I think are some important specifics and then also my “how to reach me” in case I left something out. So, if you think that you “just have to know, and how could I have been so daft…!” I’m sorry… I’m sorry ... can we still be frenns ? Yeah? Cool… Get at me yo ! @Muenstervision… EVERYWHERE (seriously).

Ok … back to the game:

Batter Up

GraffPunks MidEvil Hero Arena Overview:

Oi…! Hear ye, hear ye! You dirty dungeon dwellers! Read me… Then READ ME AGAIN!

This is NOT a white paper you peons, peasants, princesses and punks!

Ye shall find no dates on new things, no hard road maps or promises… “Bollocks!! Why?!!!” You might be asking yourselves: “Wait a minute sheriff, shan’t I be able to know what booty to expect for my bounds?” No! Now, SILENCE on the subject! It’s a game, not a Kickstarter. We’re not promising anyone anything, other than that the game is played as described below and has a benefit system that is structured around a rewarding experience based on time spent playing the game.

Now then… *ahem*… let me just get … my… scroll… Ah yes, there…

Welcome all thee who dare to enter here. This is a world of exploration and chance, of battle and conquer…The gates of the arena await your arrival…….

Who wrote this…? Theocritus…?! Balderdash! Pure rubbish!

WELCOME TO GraffPunks MidEvil: Hero Arrena MATE! This ain’t ya chambermaid's parlor games CHICKY…

Grab a sword! Train a battle boar or a dragon! Slay your enemies, join a CLAN and MINE for bounties galore!

Single n Ready to Slaughter

Now then, right… here’s what you’re gonna do… Let's get you synced up with your WAX wallet here Squire {TG/Wallet sync}. Open that up in your preferred third-party browser, authorize Telegram, confirm in your direct messages, head back to home screen, sign wallet and smash that game button!

To play the game, you need to get a “@” username in TG settings ⚙️ first. (Not your regular Telegram name).

Create a NEW unique username to battle with. ⚔️🛡

🌐 International GRAFF PUNKS 🌐:

Main Game Chat Room

🇲🇫 France: ⚡️⚡️⚡️

🇷🇺 Russia: ⚡️⚡️⚡️

🇩🇪 Deutschland: ⚡️⚡️⚡️

🇮🇳 Hindi: ⚡️⚡️⚡️

🇸🇦 Arab: ⚡️⚡️⚡️

🇳🇱 Dutch: ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Youtube for more in game play…

Ok….SO! You maggot of a bannerman, you think you're ready for battle do ya? Ready to slice and dice your way on to a dragon and drink ales from yack horns are ya? Well, we shall see, won’t we…?

Will ye be the warrior of the world? The champion of the people? Or will you rot in some grave? Flea ridden and maggot torn, wasted away like the fatal blows of so many, amongst the corpses of those who fought before you…? The choice is yours my unseasoned friend… Will you prevail or will you perish in the trawls of the arena before you…?

One may only find out by leaping steadfast into the unknown!

You hold the torch to your future my fine friend… The possibilities still yet remain a mystery… Will you practice and plot? Gain nothing but the experience at hand? Or will you dive head-on at the adventure before you? If you find yourself brave and true on this day, a fighter like you has three battles to choose from. Each with their own magical alchemy of challenge and celebration.

Choose from 1v1 single player duels…

Battle Banner

Combine forces with a worthy mate and lay waste to rivals in regalia… in Teams tussles…

Teams Ticket

Or… test your might and eat your lunch…*er*… um try your luck... in a Chaos Battle: no holds barred battles of the masses to the death and to the last standing gladiator go the spoils!

Chaos Key

Ok you degens! Listen up now! Cause it's about to speed up in here! Battle is available via a token ante system per battle:

(Single- 100 Tokens, Teams- 200 tokens, Chaos-300 tokens) or by obtaining a “Battle Banner” for $15.00 and corresponding “Teams Ticket” and “Chaos Key” for $5.00 each here:(Battle Banner),(Teams Ticket), & (Chaos Key) .

Each Hero starts out with 1000 tokens which can be evenly distributed to experience each of the battle modes. They allow for continued slaughter in single combat, with a base reward of an ante per round. Other potential embellishments used to encourage bonafide gamification and token use such as swapping for gold in town at the bank to buy items in the shop.

1000 tokens can be exchanged for 1 gold and 25 gold will grant you 1 diamond. From there you can buy health and other enhancements as well as armor, and weapon upgrades to create a competitive fighting experience in the arena …

(you’ll notice you started with 25 Gold and one diamond and a peculiar thing called a Skills point …maybe… If you didn’t you jackanapes do now)…

Right, right? Right, right! Stay with me! Now then, it’s time to keep exploring around the town. There is a beast trainer where you can wield the might of the wild into your fold…

Beast Mode!

A tavern to seek out new adventure and drink away the last…

Brawler Barkeep

A gamblers den, a hall of clans and a sacred temple. Each with a bunch of other stuff to do and play with… who started writing this again…?Gabirol…? Good grief that is a lot to digest… Something about Yack horns and Ale…...!?

Rad Vlad

*Burp!*….Ok ..where was I…? Ah! Yes… In addition to the three fighting environments a hero may choose to mine stones in our quarry to earn extra awards. Throughout the duration of the 6-hour stint, one may be lucky enough to find Gold, Diamonds, Armor, NFT’s, and magical health potions for INSTANT regeneration before the next battle!

Major Miner

Ok so… now then, about that…

Mining in Proximo’s mine costs 500 tokens to enter and get your loot… this will be ignored when you bribe our guards by holding a “Proximo pass” which you can get here for $10.00: (Proximo Pass)

*Mining is random and one never knows what they might…pick up…(old miners joke for you mid-lenials)

Let's rabble on about awards, shop stuff, and using the NFT burn function to get your gear in game. Ok... first off..EXP awards…

As your zero turns hero throughout your epic quest…certain awards will be granted in the game. As you gain EXP, you will receive NFTs, Tokens, and at times, items for your battle bag which you will equip in your inventory.

New Craft City

In addition to numerous quests found in the tavern for daily driven rewards, the game is set up to provide ample incentive in the form of tokens, NFT’s, gold, and other shiny things to help you level-up along your journey. In addition to the treasures that await you in battle, tokens can be obtained in the bank by purchasing them with LFGK once your wallet is synced in game and swapped for gold at 1000:1.

Other ways to obtain gold and diamonds are by purchasing an NTT from the GK collection.

10 gold bars here for 10 WAX: (Gold)

I like Gold!

and 10 diamonds for 100 WAX here: ( Diamonds)

Aha! That is the look of chance and curiosity in thine eye,…..Fancy yourself a gambling grunt ?! Do you like to walk on the wyldside?… This “Punk Me” potion found in shop for 25 gold or 5 WAX below grants the spellcaster 6 hours of unbridled use of any 1 of the 10 abilities found in the Academy, The mystery power within remains hidden until the potion is taken on in the Tavern. Hit “Punk Me” if brave enough to reveal the alchemy within! (Punk Me )

Punk me B$%^

But wait ..there’s more! So, you may find that you would like to really smash hard on your foes… to drown yourself in the blood of the battered and bruised… Well, my fearless fiend... do I have just the thing for you! You ever heard of a …Skills! point ? If not you’re gonna be mad… sorry not sorry... So, you started this little adventure of yours with a series of base skills:

💪 Strength

⚡️ Agility

🎯 Intuition

❤️ Endurance

Each of these can be enhanced + 1 modifier with extra Skills!


Normally these are obtained as you fight your way to the top, one savage battle after the next … but for all you high rollers out there you can snag you a Skills! point for 10 WAX here: (Skills!) Or a “six-yack” of ’em for 50 WAX here: (6 Yack )

But just to make sure you're not going off the deep end like a blind man with a a battle axe, we’re gonna cut you off at 5 Skills! modifiers per level, so keep that on your nous for now…

Tired of waiting to regenerate after battle? Are you dying to get back into action? Well…. fill up your pockets with potions galore… Pop the cork off those clever concoctions for an instant HP boost.

Pick ya Poison

Found in +100 potency per potion for 1 WAX, or a bakers dozen for 12…. purchase your potions here:(100HP) (Bakers Dozen)

If that doesn't tickle your fancy then head back over to the shop and stock up on the bigger bottles (+200,300,400) and drink ’em up and battle down...

(Potions taken after battle will grant immediate regeneration and bypass cool down window UP TO the max HP per Hero. Additionally, ONE health potion or Punk Me may be taken in battle as a “Fight Flex” but must be pre-loaded).

In addition to the gold and diamond NTT’s, the Skills! modifiers and HP potions are also single use, non-transferable, and should be burned when intended to be used in game. These NTT’s, or Non-Transferable Tokens, will be single use burn assets that once executed, will be captured and arrive in your game stats after you mosey on over to the Tavern and “have an ale”. While you sip from the fallen cloven hoof tusk, your items will arrive safe and sound… which could be said less about our hero in their newly inebriated state… Careful out there, the streets are wrought with real bad hombres…...

Ok let's talk about the “true use token to STAKE” swap and the LFGK inbound token mechanics:

*All LFGK exchanged for “tokens” in game are subject to games t/c’s regarding true chain exchange rates and variables.

Tokens received in bank for STAKE DO NOT constitute, imply, or guarantee any form of value or volume outside of GraffPunks MidEvil: Hero Arena game play.

Any STAKE received in players WAX wallet will be done so as a micro transaction paid in STAKE and therefore can be limited to certain intervals and capitations set for the by the project and its affiliates.

NFT progress award structure:

Triple Threat

You might remember this baby ^ well not only is it BAD A#$ ART it’s also a FACKIN LFGK MINING NFT that earns more LFGK airdropped the more you hold in your wallet. This means that the more EXP you gain and the more mining completions you achieve the more of these bad mofo’s that end up in your wallet which equals more LFGK racks and stacks to beef up your battles in the game!

As a hero progresses through their daily quests certain goal posts, or performance-based markers are achieved based on EXP points. As a player hits a milestone per level, an NFT is awarded alongside a token amount to signify a progressive achievement. This NFT is randomized and pulled from a pool containing an array of Graffiti Kings and Graffiti Kings affiliated collaborations, there is no set guarantee or value placed on NFT awards and are purely an acknowledgement of one's progress in the game.

NFT Level awards:

When you level up your fighter in the game, you will be awarded a level specific NTT minted to your wallet that will have a future use within the larger Graffiti Kings metaverse. Some NTT’s will be used for upcoming blends and/or burns. Additionally, specific templates will be awarded throughout the progress of the game. As future developments and use case for the game awards become pertinent, updates will be found under “future tomfoolery”.

Annnnnndddd… were back! What a ride huh?! So… what did we learn? There’re dragons and degens ...battle boars, barkeeps and bookies…So… Maces up & laces out! Check the game library and terms & conditions on the game link above. Always be on your toes to bring blows to your your foes… and remember … The gates of the arena soon await your arrival!

What’s next for GK….? Who knows……? it's a moon shot for certain! Definitely gonna need to check that flux capacitor…




A versatile wordsmith, NFT use case consultant. Web3 synergy expert. Pizza aficionado. Human, Husband, Dad.