Aphelion News This Week July 13th 2018 —Often Imitated But Never Duplicated

Aphelion DEX
5 min readJul 13, 2018


A lot has happened here at Aphelion in the last few weeks and a lot more is coming in the next several weeks. First of all, we’ve had tremendous reviews of our groundbreaking Aphelion Desktop & Android Wallet available now (iOS & Chinese Version Coming Soon).

Download Desktop Here:

The wallet provides a huge leap forward in NEO wallets. We are proud at how it has turned out and grateful to be able to continue to be able to make significant contributions to the NEO community and the New Smart Economy.

In fact, the Aphelion wallet’s design has been so well received we’ve already begun to see a handful of copycat designs starting to rear their heads. Nothing has been released yet, but we have seen a few sneak peak UIs that are remarkably similar to the Aphelion wallet, so much so that some of the community has called them out as rip-offs. We wont go that far, but we will say that we released our wallet screenshots way back in January over 6 mos ago and the UIs we are seeing come out have only surfaced very recently so you don’t need to be a genius to make conclusions on what is happening. I would respectfully ask that anyone using Aphelion code (public MIT open source) give Aphelion credit as required with MIT licensure.

With all the imitation we’re seeing, it is a welcomed sign that we are doing something right. With that being said, we can’t stop groups that want to follow our lead, instead we will continue to innovate and push the boundaries of both tech and design and fulfill on our mission and vision.

Moving on, we’ve successfully released the Android mobile version of the wallet available in the Google Play Store here now:

Both wallets code is public open source MIT licensed and has been reviewed and cleared directly from NEO Council and listed on the NEO client page found here:

Apple iOS app is also complete, but still in process of getting approved in the Apple Store. We are hopeful this will happen in a matter of days and be available sometime this month.

Please note we will be launching a promo giveaway once iOS is approved and will will available for both Android and iOS users.

Details here:

Both the Android and iOS application are in line with the desktop wallet and provide a safe, intuitive and beautiful design built on a rock solid back end and will ultimately house our pending DEX release as we continue to build the mobile and desktop DEX concurrently.

Speaking about the Aphelion DEX, we’ve successfully deployed an initial demo version of the DEX on testnet in the latest version of the wallet found above. This is the WORLD’S FIRST NEO wallet-based decentralized exchange and represents the future of crypto-trading.

Here is a video tutorial of the demo DEX in action:

We are working around the clock at bug fixes and updates and encourage the community to give it a run and share any feedback or bug reports to us so we can quickly move into a mainnet release and finally give the community the safest, fastest and easiest way to trade NEO/GAS/NEP5 (cross-chain coming) tokens while earning APH distributions in the process.

The combination of our unique distribution model, iron-clad back end and our ground-breaking user interface gives users what we believe is the best experience to date.

Here are just a few points that set Aphelion DEX apart:

  • 80% of spent APH required to make trades are redistributed to APH holders (20% goes to system maintenance/upgrades)
  • Buying APH is always FREE
  • All trades will be transaction based and not percent based so only a small amount of APH is required per transaction (this will give traders a far less costly option than ANYTHING else on the market DEX or CEX)
  • APH token requirement will be on a tiered structure so smaller traders are not penalized
  • Market makers never pay a fee
  • Wallet based, totally decentralized P2P trading

We’ve just released the first update of the demo testnet DEX to version 2.0.5 that includes the following updates/fixes (several misc fixes in addition to these):

  • Fixes to price chart (reload, low ticks, scaling) — there is still more work to do here though
  • Remove Setup Market Button (not relevant to users)
  • Fix Deposit / Withdraw bugs
  • Fix add token bug that caused hang
  • Show proper order status for closed orders
  • Fix rounding error when using percentage selections in order form
  • Fix withdraw message
  • Improvements to Post Only Flag
  • Calculate estimated total for market orders
  • Various style updates
  • Fix depth chart grouping, prevent negative numbers on the scale
  • Additional error message on post order fail
  • Improvements to order book histogram view to show order size as well as ratio to total size
  • Alert user of errors on creating and matching offers
  • Additional notification telling users DEX contract is out of date (disable new orders allow withdraws)

Please note that because the DEX is running on NEO testnet that performance is degraded compared to mainnet by about a factor of 3–5 times. That performance issue will be resolved for the mainnet DEX release, and potentially resolved even in advance on testnet as we continue to investigate options there.

Regarding mainnet Aphelion DEX release, we aim to have the initial release come sometime in August dependent on how many bugs are reported and how fast we can turnaround known issues. So that gives us 6 weeks +- a few days before the mainnet DEX will go live.

That’s it for this week everyone, we really appreciate the outpouring of support and suggestions we receive and promise to stay true to our ultimate mission and vision and make everyone proud to be a member of our community.

As always feel free to join the conversation and contribute with ideas, feedback and thoughts on our telegram.

Have a prosperous weekend!


