Aphelion News This Week May 4, 2018

Aphelion DEX
3 min readMay 4, 2018


Hello Everybody, its been quite an exciting week here at Aphelion with our Aphelion Desktop Wallet update last week, an unannounced DEX listing for APH, big progress with a pending listing and our wallet release promo still currently underway.

First of all, thank you to everyone who’s downloaded our wallet. We’ve crossed 3500 downloads in the latest version in under a week. The feedback has been incredibly positive. We’ve built the wallet with the goal of being the best in the industry and we believe we have a strong start towards achieving that goal.

If you’ve not downloaded the wallet, we invite you to here:

The code is public MIT licensed and features Windows/Mac/Linux builds will full Ledger support. Our wallet release promo is still underway for everyone who downloads/installs the wallet and shares their experience across a few of our communities. We welcome all feedback and are actively updating the wallet and servers based on the feedback.

The details of the promo can be found here:

For those of you that don’t know the wallet is the future platform for the Aphelion DEX. The DEX will be automatically integrated into a future release and will allow for peer-to-peer wallet based trading. The initial version will include NEO/GAS and all NEP5 trading pairs and will also be available in our mobile wallet.

Here is a snapshot of what the DEX will look like:

The Aphelion Mobile Wallet and DEX are being developed concurrently right now. We have a aggressive goal for the mobile release by June 1 and the DEX integration by July 1. Although its impossible to set a hard launch date at this time, we are working as hard as we can to release these new Aphelion products as fast as we can without sacrificing quality. We will continue to update on progress as we move.

We’ve also made some real progress with the pending listing we’ve announced and expect that to go live before June 1st as well. As we’ve stated in the past we cannot reveal the exchange and cannot announce a listing date until the exchange allows us to and ultimately the date is at their discretion based on a number of factors. With all that being said we are still confident the listing is imminent and coming in May. We’ll continue to update the community as more details emerge.

With the unannounced/un-marketed DEX listing on Switcheo last week it moved APH to get listed on Coinmarketcap here:

We worked directly with CMC to update the correct circulating supply and debuted with a market cap of about $9M. We are working to get the total supply updated to the accurate amount of 70M and expect those figures to get updated in the next few days. You can see the accurate total supply listed here:


We’ve also been hard at work on the back end server side and optimizing things for the wallet and pending DEX release. This has resulted in some intermittent errors displaying on the wallet, but the wallet is safe to send/receive and store all your NEP5 and NEO/GAS tokens while we work to improve performance.

We’ll be updating the wallet again next week to include several bug fixes and updates such as a participate in ICO feature. We’ll make an announcement when that update is available and your wallet will also alert you when that is ready.

That’s it for this week everyone, we really appreciate the outpouring of support and suggestions we receive and promise to stay true to our ultimate mission and vision and make everyone proud to be a member of our community.

As always feel free to join the conversation and contribute with ideas, feedback and thoughts on our telegram.

Have a prosperous weekend!

